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Moose and Squirrel's X-Files Page

Ah, yes, another X-Files page to inflict on the world.

But wait! This one is different!

Surprisingly enough, we review X-Files websites. Our review column is written for The X-Paper a weekly email newsletter about the X-Files. You can read past issues on line at their site, and just generally poke around.

We'll put up all our website reviews here, both in the chronological order that they were reviewed in The X-Paper, and in site order. So if you're looking for somewhere to waste a little browsing time, you've come to the right place!

We'll fill out this site with a few more things later on,
but for now, here's what you came here for...

Moose and Squirrel's
Website Reviews

Click here to read a transcription of

The Truth Revealed

the "secret" track on the X-Files sountrack CD

Push this cute little button to hear the one and only X-Files sound byte
that is perfect for this page!

And this one works pretty good, too!

You can email us with any site recommendations, or comments on our reviews. Just click the little space dog below!

hey cool! X-Philes have been through here!

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