The Sound of Music
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to my latest show page, which will continue to be such until I put up another one and then the new one will become my latest show page.  I wasn't really looking forward to putting this page up, but at the request of Mike (whom I would do anything for, evidently), here she is.  In case you were wondering, the color of the page was selected because it matches our show shirts, which I do believe were the most God-awful shirts I have ever seen or worn.  To the right, you will find a picture of me (as a nun, for crying out loud!  Who saw that coming?!) and our director, the ever-wonderful Jean Berry.  I love this woman and it was a pleasure working with her.
Sound of Music was a series of firsts for me.  It was my first time working with Jeanie, my first opportunity to dance in the park (just a little waltzing), my first costume change in the park, my first time dressing as a nun (barring that Clark State Chorale concert, because it just doesn't count.), and my first time wearing a semi-flattering costume!  And here it is! I am pictured here with Alicia.  This was her first show as well as Christy's, so I was glad to have some KR company.  They both seemed to enjoy the show, and I am so happy they got up the nerve to audition!
Okay, to close out this page, I decided to feed some egos (well, mainly one), and put up one last picture of me and my friends.  If you're a frequent visitor to my page, then you either already know Seth and Mike, or you *are* Seth or Mike.  Here they are with me (I'm the good-looking one in the middle).  In conclusion, I had a lot of fun backstage on this show, but on-stage, for me anyway, it left something to be desired.  Good show everyone!
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