You know you go to Kenton Ridge if...

1. You refer to your teacher by only one letter or their first name.

2. You wear a turtleneck and sweater in the middle of July and are still freezing.

3. Your lead trumpet in band is often confused for a diety.

4. Your industrial tech teacher looks like Darrell Waltrip.

5. The fight in the commons is between the boys' soccer team and the band.

6. Your biology teacher jokes about your dissection projects serving a double as your lunch.

7. Your English teacher has more trouble dealing with reality than you do.

8. The words "meat locker" make you think of Spanish class.

9. Expelled students are asked to stay longer than most substitute teachers.

10. The girls' softball team wins the state championship based soley on the luck of a roll of toilet paper.

11. Wallpaper is the most common book cover in 11th grade English classes.

12. Your band director is not 80% water, but 80% iced tea.

13. The student body angrily revolts, by leaving their trash on the lunch tables in response to a shortage of trays.

14. Next year's salutatorian has managed to destroy more desks than the Xenia tornado of '73.

15. A freshman comes in with a hairstyle like a leopard, and is admired.

16. The history teacher has problems convincing his second year students that he is not his twin brother.

17. A teacher who has only 20% of the school's students in class is the most hated teacher in the school.

18. Alumni of the school spend more time here than the current student body.

19. The Honors English class can be seen annotating Huck Finn as they are publicly honored at an awards ceremony.

20. The skeleton in anatomy class is the most popular choice for a prom date.

21. Watching paint dry is more mentally stimulating than sitting through geometry class.

22. Your friends read this list, and tell you that you made a mistake. When you go to fix it, you realize that the problem is that they can't read.