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I honestly do not know why this film is so darn popular. Yeah, the monster looks kinda cool, but so what? I hold fast to my opinion that only three good things have ever come out of Great Britain: James Bond, the Beetles, and America. (Okay, Monty Python's pretty cool too.) Other than that we've been faced with the music of the Spice Girls, the stupidity of Mr. Bean, and the boring and repetitive Gorgo.

This movie is about a huge amphibious gremlin-type creature who is captured and put on display for a traveling carnival. In a striking example of why animal rights are so important, the poorly treated creature's mother shows up just in time to smash every building in Greater London. Then she returns to the sea with her child.

Though this plot may sound simple, it is actually quite... ah hell, a two year old would get every joke there was to be had. I've never seen a movie with a simpler plot than this (except, of course, Tristar's "Godzilla"). This film's story is bad even for a daikaiju film. I personally think that Gorgo could have been fifeteen minutes long and just as good. You just would have missed out one about 90 minutes worth of the actors repeating the same dialogue in different contexts.

And speaking of the actors, none come off as unique human beings with unique personalities. Frankly, I don't remember any of their jobs or names, and I never once cared if any or all of them lived or died. The only scene in this film worthy of any mention is when a "scientist" shows a drawing of Baby Gorgo's skeleton and says, "If this was the juvenile, then the parent could be..." and we see a huge version of the same drawing. Honestly, Godzilla could kill Gorgo in about three tenths of a second-maternal rage or not. Sayonara for now!

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