This page is about me, my life and the people in it.

If I've used your name and you don't want me to let me know and I'll take it off. This is a large page, I will not be offended if you don't read it all, but please do. Everything on these pages is copyrighted to its owner, which is me unless stated otherwise. I am exactly the kind of person who will hunt you down and kill your monkeys for stealing my shit...Thanks for your cooperation

This is the newest addition to my site (aside from the new home) it's my wishlist. I'll try to keep it up to date with what I want/what people have already gotten me. enjoy.

My fists clenched, arms tense at my sides, the dusty sun sets beside me as a fierce wind rips at me. My hair flies back, my jeans whipping against my legs in anguish as my head is thrust back, exposing my bleeding lips and the words of pain and loss are caught on the wind and amplified. I scream.

Welcome to my soul.

The Ballad of the Nice Guy

Painful hearts, bleeding quietly in a corner. Sleeping quietly under chairs. Spirits leap and bound in joy at the pain caused on this earth. "Be a good guy" they sing, dancing cheery circles around the prone form of a crumpled man lost in his revery of love.

a 5 year old pic of me

Images fleeting disappear at a glance. Soon lost in the mysts of time as pain sweeps in and the hurricane of loss ignites a young heart in love.

Rules for when you're talking to me

Dictations of how things must be, sweeping past the floor. Eating alive the hopes of freedom.

This is creepy...they come SO close

Individuality defined by names, names given by those with names and no faces. Names from those who have no individuality of their own. A sea of nameless formless faceless hatefull creatures of the world.

Late addition, a rant about dances and me

Twirling and spinning through the air and across the floor, a motion of love in the hearts of the world. Lost as we sing our defiance at the crashing light which would blast our world.

Another late addition, the other one reminded me. This one is why I can't watch the sunset ot sunrise

Light failing, the hearts of men weep. We lose what is us in favor of what is now.

My family

Unity in oneness, creating a unit. Making perfection, children born, parents unfilled. Role undone, lost forever as greed and selfishness enter the hearts and minds of man.

The Lyrics to the song "Butterfly Kisses" it's part of the reason I want a daughter

Flitting floating, free on the wind, gliding updraft, brightly colored. Wings torn free by the innocent

My feeble attempt at putting words together in verse

Useless meanderings through the dark forest of the world. Standing beside friends, those I love, standing beside as doors close and open. The forest grows. Standing alone at the final tree, friends behind encouraging on, loss of self as tree topples.

Here you will find my stories

Groaning quietly, reaching the fallen precipice at last. I look around to see that I am again surrounded. Friends engulf me, threatening to topple me, family ensnares me, threatening to push me. A beacon above, holding only, standing beside me through the storm a pillar of my strength in the hard times of distrust and anger.

Random writings by me

Blinking slowly, registering your completion. Tear streaked sunlight filters through wooden shudders behind me, leaving broken trails of a spirit dance long over slowly creeping across your face. Understanding trying to dawn, failure. A sad smile perches on my lips as you reach out to me, only to be slapped away in a snarl of despair. I bound to my feet and flee quickly into the torrential storm that is my world.