Cowtown Comes to Beantown

The Kansas City bid for the 59th World Science Fiction Convention

Welcome to the official home of Kansas City in Boston in 2001, also known as KC in Boston in 2K(+1), the Kansas City bid to host the 2001 WorldCon in Boston, Massachusetts. Kansas City did not have enough hotel rooms to host the 58th World Science Fiction Convention in 2000, but facilities have recently become available in Boston for 2001. Please help us to found the first ever, NorEasAmeriCon (NEAC), to be held in Boston on Labor Day weekend (Thursday, August 30 through Monday, September 3) in 2001.

Convention Facility DetailsBid Committee
Current Boston Weather     March 16 Press Release


History of the Bid
Kansas City first hosted the World Science Fiction Convention in 1976, MidAmeriCon (aka Big Mac) was was  one of the first mega-WorldCons and introduced many of the features that have are considered Worldcon standards today.

In 1991, a group of Kansas City fans started KCin2K, a bid to host the 58th World Science Fiction Convention in Kansas City in the year  2000. The bid for 2000 depended on the building of two new convention center hotels, projects that were promised, but never happened. Unable to produce the quality Worldcon that they intended, in the spring of 1996 KCIN2K conceded the 2000 Worldcon to the competing Chicago bid.

On December 26th, 1997, the Boston in 2001 bid for the 59th World Science Fiction Convention announced that they would not host a convention in the City of Boston. Instead they are bidding to host the 2001 Worldcon in Orlando, Florida. This opened the possibility of Kansas City hosting the Worldcon in Boston. A group of Kansas City fans mobilized and on December 31, 1997 Kansas City in Boston in 2001, a bid to host the 59th World Science Fiction Convention, became a reality. KC in Boston in 2K(+1) is a new bid that includes new members plus some members from both MidAmeriCon and and KCIN2K. The members of the Bid Committee include two former Worldcon Chairpeople as well as having served in various positions on conventions ranging from 400 to 7,000.

Thanks for supporting the bid at Anaconism, Minicon, Name-That-Con,Demicon, Conestoga, Inconjunction, and ConQuesT.Look for our bid parties at Bucconeer.

At Buconneer

KC in Boston in 2K+1 will host a Worldcon bid party at BucCONeer, the 56th World Science Fiction Covention on Thursday, August 6, starting at 9:30 PM in the Harbor II (A) room on the 12th floor of the Holiday Inn Baltimore-Inner-Harbor.

The BidCom will be serving Wharf Rat Brewery's Irish Red Ale, soft drinks, and a buffet line consisting of 5 different styles of Kansas City''s famous barbeque sauce, sliced beef and turkey, buns, potato chips, and other goodies, including Bitterman Confectioner's Boston Baked Beans candy.

Bid flyers, buttons, Sheraton Boston Hotel and Hynes Convention Center brochures will be available at both the party and at the BidCom's table in the convention center during BucCONeer.

If you wish to join us in this mad, grand adventure (or exercise in gumdrops against the Empire, some would call it), we'd love to have you along for the ride. If nothing else, we guarantee you'll have a lot more fun. We Don't Morally Censure, We Just Want the Money

Presupporting:       $5.00
Preopposing:       $10.00
Pre-Industrial:      $20.00
Postmodern:        $50.00

Send to: KC in Boston in 2K(+1), P.O. Box 2000, Lee's Summit, MO 64063


For details contact:

Links to Future Worldcons and NASFiCs

  Baltimore 1998 Worldcon

  Conucopia: 1999 North American Science Fiction Convention

  Aussiecon Three: the 57th World Science Fiction Convention
  Chicon 2000: the 58th World Science Fiction Convention

Links to competing bids for 2001

  Boston for Orlando in 2001 Worldcon Bid

  Clavius in 2001

  Hel, Norway in 2001

  Philladelphia in 2001: The Millennium PhilconSF Convention®

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.

For details contact:

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