Ocean's Star Wars Trivia


1. When Darth Vader boarded her ship, Where did Princess Leia hid the Death Star Plans?

2. After leaving Cloud City, who left in search of Boba Fett?

3. Admiral Ackbar was once a slave to who?

4. Before he joined the Rebellion, Biggs Darklighter signed on as third mate on what ship?

5. Who flew the Millennium Falcon in the Battle of Endor?

6. Did C-3PO once work as a translator droid for Captain Antilles?

7. Who were the two Ewoks that accompanied Han, Leia, Chewie, and the two droids to the sheid generator?

8. Who fired the shot that destroyed the second Death Star?

9. What did the Ewoks use to first capture Han, Luke, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C- 3PO with?

10. Who is the founder of the Rebel Alliance?

11. In what zone did General Rieekan pick up an Imperial Probe droid?

12. What Rogue number did Wedge Antilles fly as in the Battle of Hoth?

13. What platform number did the Millennium Falcon land on when it arrived on Cloud City?

14. Who is Boushh?

15. When and how did Luke's gunner Dack die?

16. Who pinpointed the location of the second Death Star?

17. Lando Calrissian turned Han and Leia over to Darth Vader in exchange for what?

18. When DarthVader tried to destroy Myoris' School, who saw the Empire's strategy in a dream?

19. What Rogue number did Luke fly as in the Battle of Hoth?

20. Lando was promoted to General based on his performance in what?

21. Who was the first Ewok to make contact with the Rebel forces in the Battle of Endor?

22. What Red number did Biggs Darklighter fly as in the Battle of Yavin?

23. Who made the first attempt to blow up the Death Star in the Battle of Yavin?

24. What was the name of the stolen Imperial shuttle that brought the strike team to Endor's moon?

25. Who was Lando's co-pilot in the Battle of Endor?

26. In the Battle of Yavin, did Luke save Biggs life?

27. In the Battle of Yavin, did Red Leader's photon torpedo hit its target?

28. Where did Luke receive his formal Jedi training?

29. Which of Jabba's pets did Luke kill?

30. Who did Darth Vader want to freeze in carbonite?

31. Who was the Emperor's Hand?

32. What was the clearance code for Darth Vader's shuttle for its arrival at the Second Death Star?

33. On Tatooine, who became a victim of Sarlaac?

34. How did Ben describe Darth Vader?

35. Who oversaw the final stage of construction of the second Death Star?

36. What, according to Luke, was the Emperor's greatest weakness?

37. What is Darth Vader's real name?

38. Was the Emperor surprised that Luke was with the Rebels on Endor's moon?

39. Who was in charge of Darth Vader's task force in the Battle of Hoth?

40. Who's idea was it to turn Luke to the dark side?

41. List the bounty hunters that were hired by Darth Vader.

42. Who was the commander in charge of overseeing the construction of the second Death Star?

43. Who told Darth Vader that Leia was his daughter and how did they?

44. Who killed Emperor Palpatine?

45. Who followed the Millennium Falcon as it flew toward Bespin?

46. What did Darth Vader call the Emperor?

47. Where was Admiral Daala trained?

48. How many times did Emperor Palpatine execute Bevel Lemelish?

49. Did Darth Vader help the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights?

50. Why did Grand Moff Tarkin not destroy Dantooine?

51. How did Darth Vader know of Obi-Wan's presence on the Death Star?

52. Did the Emperor believe that Luke's compassion for Darth Vader would be Luke's undoing?

53. Who saved Anakin Skywalker?

54. Did Darth Vader kill Luke's father?

55. Why did Darth Vader allow the Falcon to escape the first Death Star?

56. What happened in the Battle of Yavin when Darth Vader was about to shoot Luke's X-wing?

57. Was Joruus C'boath the only evil Jedi clone that Luke fought?

58. How many Rebel ships attacked the Death Star in the Battle of Yavin?


Who said these famous lines?

1. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.

2. Wars not make one great

3. Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey toward the dark side will be complete

4. I felt a great disturbance in the Force ... as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced

5. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi

6. You may have been a good smuggler, but now you're bantha fodder

7. The Force runs strong in your family

8. It's against my programming to impersonate a deity

9. May the Force be with us

10. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force

11. Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.

12. Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops, boy

13. Who's the more foolish ... the fool or the fool who follows him?

14. Somebody has to save our skins

15. Always in motion is the future

16. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

17. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine

18. The Jedi are extinct. Their fire has gone out of the universe

19. When I left you,I was but the learner; now I am the master

20. No, I don't think he likes you at all ... I don't like you either

21. That little droid and I have been through a lot together

22. We'll be destroyed for sure. This is madness!

23. You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done

24. You have taken your first step into a larger world

25. We're doomed!

26. You'll find I'm full of surprises

27. Luke's crazy. He can't take of himself, much less rescue anybody

28. Into the garbage chute, flyboy

29. Even I get boarded sometimes

30. Why, you stuck-up ... half-witted ... scruffy-looking nerf hearder!

31. We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life.

32. We don't serve their kind here

33. Luke's just not a farmer, Owen. He has too much of his father in him

34. Don't everybody thank me at once

35. It's a wonder you're still alive

36. What a piece of junk!

37. I take orders from just one person: Me!

38. She's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy

39. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck

40. You know, sometimes I amaze even myself

41. Hey, I knew there was more to you than money

42. Your powers are weak, old man

43. My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.

44. Luke, don't give in to hate --- that leads to the dark side

45. Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader

46. You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view

47. There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny

48. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny ...

49. Your mind powers will not work on me, boy

50. You want the impossible

51. Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall. That is the way of things ... the way of the Force

52. I suggest a new strategy, Artoo. Let the Wookie win

53. Come here, you big coward

54. Why you slimy, double crossing, no good swindler

55. I'll never turn to the dark side ... I am a Jedi, like my father before me

56. Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes

57. I've got to save you

58. You already have, Luke

59. I'd just as soon kiss a Wookie

60. Hurry up, goldenrod, or you're gonna be a permanent resident!

61. Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited

62. Jabba, you're a wonderful human being

63. It's not my fault (3 people)

64. Evacuate? In our moment of triumph? I think you overestimate their chances

65. They'll have that shield down on time ... or this'll be the shortest offensive of all time

66. If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's furthest from

67. The Jundland Wastes are not to be travelled lightly

68. Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

69. There isn't enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser

70. I have a bad feeling about this (4 people)

71. I have a really bad feeling about this


1. How did Leia get her first lightsaber?

2. Who did Leia almost make a political marrigae with?

3. What was Leia's childhood nickname?

4. What level and detention block was Leia imprissioned in on the Death Star?

5. What did Princess Leia say when she met Obi-Wan?

6. According to the Emperor, what was Luke's greatest weakness?

7. What three figures did Luke see in the shadows after the Battle of Endor?

8. Which hand did Luke lose in his lightsaber duel with Vader in Cloud City?

9. How did Luke get captured in the Battle of Endor?

10. Which if Luke's students turned to the dark side?

11. Who was the love of Luke's life?

12. What did Han want to name his youngest son?

13. What two languages besides Basic, does Han speak?

14. What is Han's cousin's name?

15. Before he arrived on Hoth, where did Han run into a bounty hunter?

16. What did R2-D2 say Han and Luke's chances of surviving the night outside on Hoth were?

17. Where did Han, Luke, Chewie and Ben hid when they arrived on the Death Star?

18. During the rescue attempt on the Death Star, when Han, Luke, Chewie and Leia were on their way to the Falcon and met up with some stormtroopes, what did Han do?

19. How old was Chewbacca when Luke met him?

20. Why didn't Chewbacca want to go into the garbage chute on the Death Star?

21. What did Chewbacca find in the junk room on Cloud City?

22. Why does Chewbacca one a life debt to Han?

23. What did Leia call Chewie one of the first times she saw him?

24. Why didn't Obi-Wan tell Luke the truth about his father?

25. What were the two things Obi-Wan noticed that proved stormtroopers, not sand people, killed the Jawas?

26. What happened to R2-D2 upon arriving on Dagobah?

27. What was to be the main course at an Ewok banquet in C-3PO's honor?

28. Who were the guadrians of peace and justice in the Old Republic?

29. Who started the Shadow Academy?

30. Who are the Ssi-ruuk?

31. Who leads the Human League?

Jedi Knights

1. What is the Force?

2. What does a single ysalamiri do?

3. What were the Nightsisters of Dathomir also known as?

4. What animal is it that attacks Force users?

5. Who was the first Dark Lord of the Sith?

6. How many years did Yoda teach Jedi?

7. Whose words inspired Luke to start the Jedi Academy?

8. What were those words?

9. Who defeter the spirit of Exur Kun?

Interstellar Travel

1. How many inhabited Star Systems are there?

2. Where are the spice mines located?

3. Where is Echo Base?

4. Where is Beggar's Canyon?

5. Match these planet/moon/system with their descriptions:

1) Vorzyd 5

2) Nor Shaddaa

3) Yavin

4) Vortex

5) Dantooine

6) Phelarion

7) Hoth

8) Ryloth

9) Bespin

10) Sullust

11) Sanctuary Moon

12) Ota

13) Umgul

14) Nal Hutta

15) Despayre

16) Tatooine

17) Dagobah

18) Alderaan

19) Corellia

20) Plamal

a) sports center; home of blob races

b) an ice planet; 6th planet in a star system of the same name

c) home of Leia; no longer exists

d) home of the Cathedral of the Winds

e) gambler's world

f) a Tibanna gas mining colony

g) the penal planet where the Death Star was built

h) location of Platt's Well, once the hiding place for Jedi children

i) a dry, rocky world; home of the Twi'leks

j) the spaceport moon that orbits Nal Hutta

k) has ice canyons; home of Snogar

l) birth place of Jabba the Hutt

m) swampy planet; home of Yoda

n) the Rebel Alliance gathered here before the Battle of Endor

o) known for its fast ships, pirates and as the birthplace of Han

p) leading producer of megonite

q) the forest moon of Endor

r) Luke's home planet

s) a remote planet; once a base for the Rebel Alliance

t) a giant gas planetwith dozens of moons

21. Match these owners with their ships:

1) Lando Calrissian

2) Djinn Altis

3) Queen Mother Ta'a Chume

4) Mara Jade

5) Talon Karrde

6) Leia Organa Solo

7) Prince Xizor

8) Salla Zend

9) Boba Fett

10) Admiral Daala

11) Prince Isolder

12) Dash Rendar

13) Han Solo

14) Guri

15) Grand Moff Tarkin

a) Stinger

b) Knight Hammer/Night Hammer

c) Alderaan

d) Wild Karrde

e) Lady Luck

f) The Death Star

g) Storm

h) Slave I

i) Chu'uthor

j) Virago

k) Outrider

l) Millennium Falcon

m) Slave II

n) Star Home

o) Starlight Intruder

p) Jade's Fire


1. What kind of vehicles do Jawas travel in?

2. What happens if you nudge one enegizer out of alignment in a TIE fighter?

3. Where is the restraining bolt on a protacal droid?

What do enhanced nanny droids have?

4. How many secondary functions is a protocal droid programmed for?

Biology & Zoology

1. What are Ewoks?

2. Where are Piranha beetles native to?

3. When do Vornshkrs hunt?

4. Where are Tauntauns native to?

5. What do Tuskin Raiders have a mental bonding with?

6. What do Mynocks feed on?

7. How long does it take Sarlacc to digest its food?

8. Where do Space Slugs live?

9. What do Hawk-Bats prey on?

10. What are the Fireworms of Eol Sha also known as?


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