Hgeocities.com/area51/rampart/8732/morgyn.htmoocities.com/area51/rampart/8732/morgyn.htm.delayedxE\J` OKtext/htmlpw5 b.HThu, 03 Dec 1998 01:36:43 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *E\J Morgyn Cair

Morgyn Cair


Morgyn comes from the country of safer, but feels no ties to that place. His life began about three decades ago and most of that time he has been dedicated to two things. Finding his father and learning the skills with which to kill him. While this cheerful topic may depress some, the story has not yet unfolded. When Morgyn was eight years old he lived with his mother, step-father, and three sisters. Their life was a happy one. Morgyn believed his father had died in an accident four years ago. However, as time would tell that was not the case.

One cold winter morning, three strangers entered town there very prescence bringing quiet to local wildlife. Morgyn woke up from numerous nightmares of blood and death. He proceeded downstairs and began a day that would haunt him forever. He was sent out for the daily chore of collecting firewood from the shed. Shivering form the cold, he approached the house. Only the muffled screams gave him warning. Dropping the wood he approached the window. Greeting his eyes was the sight of those three men. Correction, one man and two Myrdraal. His step father and sisters were hanging from the rafters strips of skin hanging from their bodies. The man was holding his mother and pointing to his step-father's flayed corpse and smiling. One scream erupted from his mother's throat. That sound carried to him a chill that had nothing to do with the wheather,"Jarryd!!" On that day of blood and death Jarryd Malkar , his flaming father!, killed his entire family, and destroyed the only sense of comfort he had ever known.

Morgyn ran as if his feet had wings. He kept running for fourteen years. With help and luck he found a carpenter who would apprentice him. Doubly lucky because the man was a former blademaster. The carpenter trained Morgyn in woodworking and the sword. Now he has just left and is ready to see what the world holds and find Jarryd Malkar and dstroy him.

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