HAARP Project

A Letter to Supporters

An Open Letter to our HAARP Supporters

Earthpulse Press Incorporated

Dr. Nick Begich
P.O. Box 201393
Anchorage, Alaska 99520 USA
Internet: www.earthpulse.com
Fax 907-696-1277

November 17, 1998

An Open Letter to our HAARP Supporters:

I ran into the HAARP story quite by accident in 1994. At the encouragement of my friends Gael and Patrick Flanagan I wrote the first significant article on HAARP and co-authored a book about the technology with Jeane Manning, Angels Don't Play This HAARP. That story led to research in non-lethal weapons, electromagnetic systems, environmental weapons, new types of biological weapons and related technologies.

For four years my wife, children, a few close friends and I processed tens of thousands of inquiries related to these subjects, wrote and responded to interviews for hundreds of publications, were aired on thousands of radio programs and gave lectures on the subjects in twenty states and twenty countries. By 1995, I had left my position with the Anchorage School District in order to keep up with the demands of the HAARP story.

By the end of 1995 we had begun to move back into the other areas of interest to us yet HAARP continued to pull large amounts of time and energy. Since that time, we have allowed HAARP related work to dominate much of our time at the expense of other work. We felt that the subject needed this level of commitment in order to reach a high level of public and political debate. As an author and publisher I realized that the freedom of the press means more than the right to print what it wants to print. It has more to do with the idea of maintaining an informed population through open public debate and discourse, particularly on topics related to public policy.

We built a significant database of research materials on weapon systems which we disseminated around the world to news organizations, elected officials and scientists.

I had an interesting and in some ways an unsettling past few months. I was in Brussels in early October reviewing some draft esolutions of the European Parliament in opposition to HAARP, certain non-lethal technologies and new electromagnetic weapon technology which can debilitate human health. While finishing this work I received word of the death of one of my dearest friends, Gael Flanagan, who was in large part the inspiration for the book Angeles Don't Play this HAARP. Gael spoke with my wife often in the days before she died and strongly encouraged me to withdraw from the HAARP debate and leave it to others to resolve the issue. There comes a time when others who hold positions and citizens generally have to decide if the issue is important enough to take action on.

While in Europe, I was informed that the US State Department had sent someone there after my testimony in the Security and Disarmament sub-committee of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee. This was a hearing in early February which NATO refused to attend and debate the issues when asked by the Chairman of the Committee to provide information. The State Department official spent some weeks in Brussels but was unsuccessful in dissuading our supporters, who now have extensive documents on these matters. Presently, the inevitable is happening here in Alaska. The military in cooperation with our Congressional delegation has begun the process of locating and funding a new ICBM Defense system here in Alaska. The project is to be funded at $11.4 Billion USd. In addition, a number of other related installations are being expanded and funded here.

We have continued to reinvest all of our organizations revenues into expanding our work and increasing the scope of our activities in the belief that an activist media organization like ours is needed. As a family and small organization we are limited in what we can do. As an activist publisher we have to balance our time commitments in order to continue to bring forward leading information in many areas of science, technology and politics.

I have attached some excepts from recent communications to further clarify our position in these matters. I personally want to thank you for your interest and help in brining these issues forward. We appreciate your support on the HAARP problem and ask that you stay in touch with us through our publishing and communication efforts on the other important subjects of Earthpulse.

Thank you.

Always In Service,

November 17, 1998 Excerpts from Private communique

In February, when I was giving testimony in Europe, and on this most recent trip, the issue of the US building a new Star Wars defense system was discussed. These are the most recent developments:

1. Alaska is one of the two primary locations being considered for a 11.4 billion dollar ICBM missile defense system which would violate the agreement with the former Soviet Union. The rationale is that "the USSR does not exist so neither does the agreement." Last year over $1 billion was spent to develop the system specifications. The appropriation will likely be coming in the next defense budget. Ted Stevens, an Alaskan Senator together with other members of our delegation chair the Senate Appropriations and several other key committees in the Congress. The project is going to happen. Clinton has indicated support for Alaska and Hawaii's inclusion in a defense shield (the existing system does not cover these two states). The additional rationale is fear of China and North Korea and, as a result, Japan is reported to be supporting a deployment in Alaska as it will protect Japan as well.

I have attached a couple of articles which further illustrate the points made here. The articles are crafted to avoid significant discussion of the other components of the project. They mention the recent rocket launch to test early warning systems and allude to their inadequacy. It should be noted that a significant part of this project is not the interceptor missiles which the military draws to our attention but, rather, the radar systems which will be installed which draw on the research technology advanced by HAARP. It should also be noted that the target dates are narrow and could be pressed forward very quickly. If there are to be international discussions on this technology they should begin soon.

2. Alaska's new missile launch facility just launched its first Minuteman missile 1100 miles south to be tracked by interceptor systems following the trajectory of over-the-pole launches. This new missile launch facility is part of an increasing number of military expenditures in Alaska. The Minuteman is also being considered for use in attacking targets with conventional non-nuclear payloads, as noted in one of the articles I left with you. This would allow the US to hit any target in the world while launching from US soil.

3. Alaska is getting at least two new phased array radar facilities. One is being built in Kodiak and another is being planned for King Salmon. These are in addition to HAARP and HIPAS which are already located here. Program planners are being told to not mention HAARP in conjunction with these new systems.

4. Alaska is getting an upgraded computer system which will give military and academic communities access to the best super computer in the world.

Basically, what is now happening is what we have been suggesting for the last four years would take place - the deployment of a ground based star wars system in Alaska. This did not happen absent the attention of our seated Governor as some discussion had to take place between his office, our Congressional delegation and the military. I testified in the Committee in February that if the European community did not begin to deal with these matters that the US would begin to deploy these new systems and that much of that deployment would be achievable within 18-24 months from the date of the appropriations. The clock has started ticking based upon the release of information in the Federal Register...

We asked the Committee to look at both HAARP and new non-lethal weapons and I presented many documents to support our position. The US government chose to avoid the debate and send an individual from the State Department to the European Parliament to attempt to discredit me after the hearing. I believe that the volume and content of the materials are sufficient to make the case considering thus far the only thing the military has done is have their surrogates from academic institutions send in a few e-mails.

I am restating some of what was in my last letter in order to clarify my position in some of this work:

"Gael Flanagan was one of the two people who motivated me to rise out of my station in life and pursue the truth and actualize the change. Without her continued and sustained encouragement the story of HAARP, non-lethals, and now the multi-faceted work we are involved in may well have never been started, the truth never told, the information never collected or communicated. In the days before her death, and while I was in Europe, she was speaking to my wife, Shelah, four or five times a day by phone. The circumstances and conversational detail are too much for this note and unnecessary now; however, with each call she issued a loving warning about my work right now, my priorities and greater purpose in life as a communicator and originator of ideas. As Patrick and Gael's staff went through her things there was much written caution given."

"My government, the United States, is exposed and stands naked before each of you with the evidence we have collected and presented. We have many who have aligned themselves with the evidence and I believe there can be a very effective plan implemented now to change the direction of these technologies to one of greater progress for positive change. I thought about my conversations with each of you in my visit there. I thought about the attacks of my government on me personally regarding my opposition efforts on HAARP and non-lethal technologies. My government has tried to characterize it as a political vendetta, some kind of grudge or commercial engagement because this is the only way they can see the world. They can not begin to comprehend the meaning of true human service - they are too busy looking for a poll, creating a spin or finding that ever present "plausible denial" or deceit. You are each, daily, engulfed in the politics of this age which hides the truth and runs from the evidence and yet have tried to maintain the courage to stand firm."

"The government has suggested that I am a "crusader" of some kind, mad or perhaps just misinformed. Sometimes there is a need for a crusader - a communicator - someone who refuses to hold knowledge without action and will risk everything in favor of what he believes is right and true. I do not care for recognition, I have never sought anything but an opportunity to try and make a difference by pouring myself into my work as a free, empowered independent human. I have only tried to live the example which I was raised with - that those with the knowledge of service should explode themselves into their professional work and maintain effort in the direction of the truth. I am now being made "the issue" in the battle over HAARP and new technologies and this can not be permitted to be the case. The problems of new weapons in the face of the alternative of peace is no longer an acceptable direction and the "spin" must be replaced by transparency. I am withdrawing from certain aspects of this debate so that I can not be made the issue."

"While in Europe this trip I got to know many of you on a very personal level and know that you know me well in many different ways. I had a number of conversations about the possibilities of making meaningful contributions, the impacts of life changing events and things coming in the future of politics and the world. The most striking thing for me was to be able to count so many people, on all levels of organizations, who are committed to the cause of peace and who rise to the privilege of service. I was also reminded now in the death of my friend that we can not do it alone, we can not work endlessly, we can not do it at the expense of our family and friends but must be the catalyst for change by motivating others to rise out of the ashes of their own apathy. This was my reason for engaging the challenge of my last five year's work and is the focus of my future. I do not believe in accidents or fate. I do believe that all people find themselves in the places where we need to be and that all things work together for good when service is central to life. Thank you for your kind considerations."

Where do I stand in all of this? I am not a "lone crusader" but am not in a position to spend the kind of time, energy and resources in this area as I have spent in the last four years. The US government is now moving forward with a $11.4 billion + project which can not be stopped by only a few people. My personal position has always been not necessarily to stop the project but to make sure it will operate safely and not cause more problems than the ones the system is designed to guard against. As an investigative and activist publisher we have done what we can do with this subject and can not carry forward the battle while sustaining ourselves with our other work. Our other work must move forward. We have given the information to the world and a number of legislators while environmental organizations, peace activists and other traditional NGO's sat on the sidelines "seeing which way the wind would blow." There is a hurricane brewing and it is time for these organizations to commit the necessary resources to the battle for a sane world in these areas. Unlike these kinds of organizations we are not externally funded through grants, awards or the normal activities of similar organizations. We fund our activist work from our commercial actions which is what we believe has been effective in bringing these matters to the public. As a result, more time and resources have been committed to this effort than can be sustained from our activity while providing the necessary stability for my organization. I have to move forward into other areas in order to sustain myself and activism. Where is the right activity award when you need one?

I am completing my public work on HAARP by granting closing interviews to the electronic media outlets I have worked with and a written statement to my subscribers and print media organizations we have worked with over the last four years. We are no longer responding to any individual requests for information except by form letter with a copy of our sign-off statement on the project. We will not grant new interviews on these subjects to the media except as close out statements of our position. We will continue to work as an information source for seated elected officials and by providing raw documents to the media without comment from me. We will continue to carry the book, Angels Don't Play This HAARP, but do not plan any further promotion of it beyond that which we are contractually committed to via licenses granted on the title. We will leave posted all essays on the subject as additional public information on our web site.

I personally do not regret any of my efforts the last four years but am going to honor the last request of my friend as I have outlined in this letter. Given the items contained in this letter I think there is sufficient reason for politicians to be concerned and to move forward. When does the reporting and sounding the alarm end and change begin?

The resolutions I saw should be passed. Direct inquiry of my government should be made. The issues they should respond to are the facts which we have presented..."

Dr. Nick Begich
P. O. Box 201393
Anchorage, Alaska 99520
Voice Mail: 907-249-9111
Earthpulse Press

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