Entropy Systems Inc.,(ESI) Engine

Produces Power by Absorbing Heat from Atmospheric Air

New Techonolgy Converts Atmospheric Heat to Electricity
Entropy Systems Inc.
Contact: Allison Haake

September 7, 1999

Entropy System's new technology converts atmospheric heat to electricity. Produces zero emissions and uses no fossil or nuclear fuels.

Production and consumption of energy is the largest business in the world. After seven years and $3.4 million, Entropy Systems Inc.,(ESI) has developed engine technology that produces power, by absorbing heat from atmospheric air, that can be at any temperature (even sub-zero). No fossil fuels or any nuclear materials are required to operate these engines and therefore they do not produce any pollution. In other words ESI engines are Room Temperature Superconductors of heat. ESI engines require no cryogenic liquids or any fuel storage systems and can be used to run Automobiles, Boats, Lawnmowers and Generators.

Conventional engines can only convert high temperature heat to power, which is produced by burning fossil fuels. The ESI engine takes room temperature air, absorbs heat from the air like a sponge, converts, that heat to power and exhausts air at a lower temperature. This low-temperature exhaust can be used for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Thus the ESI engine is both an Engine and a Refrigerator. An electric generator coupled to this engine produces electricity. ESI engines can operate year round in any kind of weather and have efficiencies higher than any conventional engines, refrigerators or Fuel Cells.

Patents on this technology are approved by the United States of America, Australia and the European Economic Community. Sanjay Amin is the inventor of this technology. His book on Thermodynamics was published in 1994 and he received the ASEI, Engineer of the year award in 1996. Sanjay has several patents to his name. Tests on developmental prototypes were conducted at Youngstown State University, Purdue University and Pennsylvania State University. Youngstown State University's Cushwa Center for Entrepreneurship helped launch ESI. Larry Armstrong of Businessweek magazine writes, "Almost everyone in the 21st century is going to have a personal power-plant". More information is available on the website:


Allison Haake
Entropy Systems Inc.
8150 Market Street
Youngstown, OH 44512, USA

Phone: 330-726-2051
Fax: 330-726-2052

Aanother news item from their site:

August 30, 1999: (Launch of New Product.)

Entropy Systems Inc., plans to launch the first commercial application of the Entropy Engine shortly. This application will be an Outboard motor for Boats which operates by converting atmospheric heat to power. The product launch date will be posted in this section shortly. Please check this section periodically for the product launch date.


1. mailto:entropyusa@aol.com
2. http://www.entropysystems.com/
3. http://www.entropysystems.com/
4. http://www.eurekalert.org/cgi/users/toc

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