Mates part 4.

"The samples have been taken sir." Tuvok noddede acknowlagement to the crew women and headed twords sickbay.

"Commander I have some very disturbing news." At Tuvoks raised eyebrow he continued "The commander is releasing a pharamone that seems to put the captain in an...'aggitated' state." "Aggitated?" " be blunt, this pharamone is putting the heat." "In heat." Tuvok repeated. "Yes, in heat. However the cloeser she is to The Commander the more hostile she becomes; especially twords the Commander. I'd like to contact the Rakiums and see if this is a natural uccurance to there world; maybe then we can find a cure and an antidote." "I will see to it immediatly."

"I am sorry about this matter" the amdassadors aid stated regrettfully. "Hopefully this will be over shortly." "Hopefully." Something about her tone cautioned him as they made there way to sickbay to rondevious with the other Rakium doctors. The sickbay doors opened and they stepped threw to be gredted by a very happy Doctor. "Mr.Tuvok I have excellent news. The good doctors here say there is a cure and it will take awhile; but the Captain and the Commander will be back to thier old selves shorthy."

"Hellow Mr.Tuvok" "Neelix" "I brought you some tea" "Thank you" the little man hovered, "Is that all Mr.Neelix?" "Well...Its about the Rakiums." "Yes?" "Well, there are rumors I've heard..." "'Rumors you've heard'" "yes, rumors about the Rakiums, they're trying to...they want to..." "yes Mr.Neelis?" "A purbreed sir." "A pure breed?" "They want a purebreed sir" "of what Mr.Neelix." "Of a ancestor of there. They were called Ron'u. They were superior in all ways. The men were strong and ruthless; the women were strong and intellegent. They were desired threwout the gallexy and hunted down, soon the bloodline dwindeled and they became the Rakium. Now with there techknowlogy they want to breed a purebread couple and it's rumored they use travelers no one will miss as subjects...and so far the subjects are 'less than what they require' so they let them loose in the wilderness to study them." Neelix took a deep breath. "And you think they are useing the Captain and the Commander in this copacity?" "I think they are trying to, yes." With that Neelix excused himself and Tuvok sat back in his chair. 'Neelix's tale would explain alot, however they may simply be rumors; I will have the Rakiums wacthed.' "Commander Tuvok I need to speak with you...please" "Your public relation tecnieque is improving Seven." "Thank you. The Captain gave me a book on 'Etiquette'." "It has helped. You wanted to speak to me?" "Yes. The Rakiums may not be what they appear to be." "How so?" "The collective encountered a species centeries ago. I think you should know about them." "Go on."

Tuvok walked the corradors of the ship. Seven had only added to Neelix's story. He had arranged for the Ambassadors party to be 'escorted' at all times. Only the Doctor was allowed access to the Captain and the Commander. The Captain had had to be sealed in a area to prevent pharamones released by Chakotay from affecting her. And the Commander had to be kept restrained at all times and put out of consciousness. The crew had become aggitated and shifty...something had to be done soon.


The ship rocked throwing Tuvok off his bed.-BOOM!!!- Another hit. When Tuvok reached the Bridge caoius reigned. He manged to get the ship and her crew stabalised. "Report!" he ordered. "were being attacked sir." "thank you ensign, i had not relised that!" was Tuvoks reply. "By the Norqusm."the ensign continued. "Who are they?" Tom asked from the comm. "There nabors of the Rakiums, aparently there accussing use of trying to start a war between the two planets." "Open a channel to them" "we ar on a exploration mission only-" BOOM!!! "There not answering" "I think that was a pretty clear answer" Tom replied. "Take out there main wheapon systems" "yes sir." A torpedoe was fired at the enemy shipd main wheapon system;...yet the whole ship buckeled at detinated."beam abord any survivers!" "yes sir."


This marks the end of part 4. Please stay tunned to this station for upcomeing events.

-Patroness T'Kitra


