Mates 8
Mates ch.8

"I'm sorry that won't be possible." The Doctor said matter-of-factly. "Why not?" Allenstra demanded "It's the most logical choice!" That statement she directed at Tuvok, who raised an eyebrow, his only respoonse. "Because we have to moniter them! They need chemical injections-" "From chemicals that they could recieve naturally on my home world!" Allenstra shot back at the doctor. "We also need to be able to guard her-" "Like you gaurded him?" Allenstra shot back, the Doctor did a convincing imatation of huffing in air before he continued, "If we put 'female' guards around her-" "If you put guards, male 'or' female anywere near her on this ship one of two things will happen. One: Your Commander will slaughter them in order to get to your captain, or Two: Your Captain will unintentionally slaughter them trying to escape her confinement chamber and/or running away from your commander!" "And letting them run lose on your homeworld will help them?!" "That's enough." Tuvok's commanded though at his normal volume had the effect of a cannon. "We shall contact the surface and ask if they have thier cure ready, then we will decide how to procceed. Dissmissed!" Tha last order was said before the Doctor or Allenstra could complain. Tuvok stood to leave the confrence room when an paniced voice came threw his combadge. "Commander Tuvok! We have an emergency, the Captain has escaped!" "Calm yourself crewman! Have security track her and put up force-fields around her location; I am on my way." Everyone stood and moved hurridly threw the doors twords the turbo lift.

By the time they reached the force-fields Janeway had found some way to dissrupt them long enough to transport down to the surface. Less than five minutes later a unauthorized shuttle launh was reported heading twords the surface.

"I hope you are satisfied Hologram," Allenstra said to the doctor " now they are both gone, and who knows what may happen to them."

"I am sorry, but we can't allow anyone in that area, those are protected forest. We can not introduce anymore foriegn substances into the area. We will retrive your crewmates and return them once they have been cured. We shall be in touch." The Ambassador broke the connection before Tuvok could reply. "If you beleave them, you will never see your Captain and Commander again." Allenstra said to the Vulcan. "I am unwilling to risk a full confrentation with these poeple on hearsay-" "It's not hearsay it's the truth!" "According to you. Mr.Kim, see that the senior staf meet in the confrence room in One hour." "Aye sir."

Kathryn Janeway, ran until she was airborn; and then she glidded threw the air with her haed thrown back, her hair streaming out behind her, and laughing at the enjoyment she was expireincing.

Chakotay, ran threw the woods under her never letting his mate out of his site. Soon. Soon, they will be together and nothing would seperate them.

Kathryn, bathed under a crystal-like water fall. Letting the crisp pure water rush over her naked body, enjoying it. And enjoyong the favt that he was wacthing her. She had known he would fallow her, but she was possitive she could out manouver him. For now however since he was wacthing her, she might as well give him something to wacth. And for the first time Kathryn, indulged herself in pure eroticisim.

Chakotay wacthed her perform for him. He knew she was aware of his presence. He wacthed as she straddled a boulder under the falls and started to rock back and forth on it will she 'bathed' herself. Chakotay, shifted from one foot to the other. He had long ago shed any clothing and his body was toned and hardened EVERYWHERE!!!! He was ready, more than ready for her, and by her movements she was more than ready for him. He waited until she climaxed, then he took off running until she was apon her. Her shock was evident, she haddent realise he was that cloes to her. Her senses were still tunning themselves. Chakotay spread her legs and replaced her fingers with his mouth. Kathryn, still in the waves of her privious climax, was overcome with another shock wave at the feel of his mouth on her, of his tounge thrusting in and out of her. Chakotay smiled into her, as he heard his mate maoning and screaming in ectasy. Janeway jerked and bucked beneath her. Kathryn, jerked so hard she threw him off her. Before he recovered she was apon him and grabbed his stone hard phyllus and sucked it into her mouth. Chaktay jerked and grabbed her waste and munuvered her so he could dine on her flushed flesh between her legs. Grunting and groaning was heard through out the woods. Kathryn, was in a erotic daze when she felt something agaisnt her face. She turned her head and her eye widened in shock; another phyllus was emerging from chakotay's pelvis!!! This on was alittle longer and a whole lot thicker than the one in her mouth! And wereas the one she suckeled was smooth, this new one had thick portruding ridges. "Don't worry," Chakotay said against her sensitive flesh. "One is for here," Chakotay said a moment before he tounged her anus. Janeway jerked violently "And the other is for here." Chakotay lashed back onto her neather lips. Kathryn, screamed violently and exploded and lacthed even harder almost swallowing Chakotay; he let out a roar and exploaded with her.

Kathryn was the first to recover, she jumped up and ran from him as fast as she could until she was airborn. That was to cloes! Kathryn knew she had to find a place to cacoon; and soon. And she had to make sure he couldn't find her.