"Come to me" the voice whispered; that dam tempting whisper!!Always in his mind, never leaving him at peace."Come to me,end this torture within yourself.Except that you are mine.""I am T'Pells'!!!""NO!!""Yes...and you could never compare to her."The purple siren let out a piercing scream.'It ends here'he thought'I awake of I die.either way this will end'."Well said,or thought."Both Tuvok and the siren turnrd to look at Tom Paris with his arm around B'ellana;and the captin(?!) holding hands with chakotay?!!! "How did you get here?!" the creature shireked, "the sand man-""shut up Paris" B'ellana growled "she asked" he complained."Tuvok if this is your dream,you can control it can you not?""yes captin-""No.He is mine.I control him!" "Talk about your dominering women""SHUT UP PARIS!!!" A collective voice comamded."He is with me now; what could be better?"" a rootcanal-uph!"Tom grunted when B'ellana socked him in the stomach "Zip it!"."This is a very uhealthy relationship" he grunted,B'ellana smiled while Kathryn and Chakotay shook their heads.All of a sudden the fog gave way..."you will release my mate or I will break you into 13 pieces" T'Pel stated comly as she held the siren by the neck,and proceded to shake her."He...is...mine" her statement was rewarded by T'Pel punching her in the jaw."Let's let him choose" T'Pell said as she threw the siren away from her mate."I choose you T'Pell"Tuvok said,then dissapered."NO!!!"The creature screamed as she launghed herself at T'Pell;only to be thrown back across the room by the force of a direct blow to the face."Thank you for your help" T'Pell said to the 3 shocked onlookers (another onlooker who will remain nameles was collecting his bet winnings.)."How did we help?""you gave him a focal point to consentrate on,while I dealt with...it" "well if you really want to thank us...I hear you collect crystals and liqure-uph" This time he recived a punch in the jaw."Ignore him he's brain dead;and needs to be wearing a dog callor."B'ellana stated."I must leave now...tell my mate that he will soon once again be a father."and then she dissapeared."well what happens nowwwwwwwww"They all passed out.Kathryn and Chakotay woke the next morning in each others arms;with macthing rings on thier fingers so intracantly beautiful it hurt to look at them.B'ellana awoke in her bed,there was a bag there she had never seen before.When she opened it she was stunned to she a jewled callor,with macthing chain and whip;there was also a note;'thank you for your help.T'Pell'.Tom awoke on his floor,there was a box next to him,slowly he opened it.Inside was 32 bottles of liqor!!!20 bottles of 'rancore' whiskey;and 12 bottles of wine(7 red,3 white).Also inside was a note;'From your mates behavior,I can only hope that these will help you threw the long lonly nights ahead.thank you for your help.T'Pell'.