The Dreamer's Game

Questions and paradoxes concerning the World of Dreams.

What happens if someone blind from birth enters Tel’aran’rhiod? Since appearance there is based largely on self-image, would a blind person appear invisible?

Suppose a dreamwalker happens to be pregnant. When she enters Tel’aran’rhiod, does her unborn child go with her, since technically it’s part of her body? Or, since it’s a separate soul, does it remain in the waking world? (This doesn’t, of course, apply if said dreamwalker is in Tel’aran’rhiod physically.) Would how far along the pregnancy is make a difference?

I just included this question in a letter to Jordan, as it happens, so I might get an answer soon.

Similar to the above, if one of a pair of Siamese twins enters Tel’aran’rhiod is the other automatically dragged along?

According to the Wise Ones, whatever happens to you in the World of Dreams happens to you in reality. If a woman makes love in Tel’aran’rhiod is it possible for her to become pregnant in reality? And if so, where did the sperm come from? (Hmm, are there any stories of virgin births in the Wheel of Time?) If one or the other partner was in Tel’aran’rhiod physically, would that make a difference?

Continuing with the above question, would the child be automatically a dreamwalker? Or in the same state as the Heroes of the Horn, unable to survive outside the World of Dreams? Or normal?

What would happen if, at EXACTLY the same moment, two people used need to try and find each other? Would they exchange places? Or both appear at a randomly chosen point in Tel’aran’rhiod?

Anyone who can suggest plausible answers is welcome to. Send them to me at If anyone out there has any other questions, send them to me, too, and if I can’t answer them, I’ll post them here.

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