
From the cover blurb:

Not ouf of sequence but widely separated and at arbitrary subjective time levels. They must have had their reasons for this but dammed if Reuter could figure them out...A Traveller obeyed the forms and had no concern with the policies.

Vienna, 1823.

He had somehow missed more than ten years. Granted that they only wanted the high points, the referent, the remainder according to Kemper's writings taking care of itself, still, they had stolen ten years from the persona and ten crucial years they had been. Advancing disease, disillusionment, financial reverses. How could you possibly create a convincing portrayal if there was no possibility to build, if you had to work only on inference?...By being in 1823 he had missed vital clues to all which had caused the Missa Solemnis or the last quartets. What had happened to Link? Had matters ever worked out with the Contessa?...What had happened to the sausage shop proprietress and the premiere of the Fifth Symphony and how about the state of his psyche during that perilous decade?...

Vienna, 1823. They simply would not tell him....


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