Turbo-Charged by Ancarett (ancarett@hotmail.com)

    PART 1 of 2 PARTS

    Summary:  Trapped in a turbolift, how are Tom Paris and 
    B'Elanna Torres supposed to pass the time until a repair 
    crew arrives?  Responding to a PTFever List Challenge.  
    Rated NC-17 for explicit m/f sexual content.

            Tom Paris stopped cold as he rounded the corner from 
    Sickbay.  Pulling a four-hour stint with the doc, reviewing 
    triage protocols, hadn't been the cheeriest experience of 
    the past few days, although he relished the EMH's grudging 
    praise at the end of a simulated emergency.  Now he was 
    exhausted, the adrenaline rush that had carried him through 
    the medical studies ebbing as his body reasserted its 
    demands for rest and recovery after eighteen hours awake.  
    The doctor had pressed a medical tricorder on him as he 
    left, instructing Tom to review its recorded tutorial on 
    arterial repairs.  Tom planned to dump the device on the 
    table in his quarters and forget it about it, at least for 
    a few hours.  All he wanted was to get into the turbolift, 
    ride the short distance up to his quarters and collapse in 
    his bed.  But his hopes were dashed as he saw the open 
    doors of the turbolift before him.  On the floor of the 
    compartment lay an array of engineering tools.  Dangling 
    incongruously from the ceiling of the lift were a pair of 
    shapely black-clad legs.  One foot flailed about, seeking a 
    small ladder standing just to one side.
            A grin crossed Tom's weary face as a muffled Klingon 
    curse confirmed his suspicion that it was B'Elanna Torres 
    in the turbolift.  He speeded his pace the last few metres 
    and quietly stepped into the turbolift.  While one hand 
    shifted the ladder directly under B'Elanna's searching 
    foot, he peered up into the small opening.  Darkness 
    obscured his vision, but it definitely was B'Elanna.  His 
    intimate acquaintance with the finer parts of her anatomy 
    (Tom paused to cast a loving eye along her slim derriere) 
    confirmed the diagnosis.
            Thankfully, the engineer had already gotten a foothold 
    on the ladder, or B'Elanna would have tumbled through the 
    small access door down to the floor of the lift.  As it 
    was, Tom was treated to a louder string of Klingon epithets 
    as she carefully extracted herself from the access hatch 
    and emerged into the confines of the lift.  Her hair was 
    mussed and slightly sweaty and her eyes were narrowed in 
    anger as she stepped off of the ladder and onto the floor.
            "What'd I do?" Tom asked plaintively as her gaze 
            "Nothing but almost kill me!  Tom, it's the middle of 
    gamma shift.  What the hell are you doing here?"  B'Elanna 
    crossed her arms in a familiar stance.  Inwardly, Tom 
    groaned.  A piqued B'Elanna Torres was not one of his 
    favourite sights, especially as tired as he was, when he 
    was likely to say something unguarded, outrageous that 
    would stoke her fury.  His tired brain strove to marshal 
    his thoughts.
            "Well, I was working here with the doctor."  Tom's 
    free hand swept to the side and backwards, indicating the 
    medical suite where he'd been working.  "Remember?  I've 
    got extra hours to put in at Sickbay, refining my medical 
            Her shoulders relaxed slightly and B'Elanna's chin 
    lost its guarded tilt.  "Oh, yeah, right.  I forgot.  But 
    what was the doctor thinking?  Didn't you put in a full 
    shift on the bridge, earlier?"  Anger coloured her voice 
    and she made to step past Tom into the corridor, obviously 
    intent on striding into Sickbay and dressing down the 
    holodoc.  Tom restrained her with a hand on her upper arm.
            "Yeah, the doc knows.  Don't blame him, it was my 
    request," Tom explained as he urged B'Elanna back around to 
    face him.  "I figured if I got these hours cleared off now 
    we'd have a little more time together later."  He 
    relinquished his grip and lifted his hand to straighten and 
    stroke her hair.
            B'Elanna's brown eyes closed and she momentarily 
    leaned into Tom's caress.  But only for a moment, then her 
    eyes opened ruefully.  "Time together, Tom?  You must be 
    dreaming.  It seems like Chakotay has got us scheduled for 
    completely opposite shifts and every time I have a rest 
    day, you're drawing double duty or vice versa."
            "Well, I never thought I'd say this, but I don't think 
    you can blame Chakotay for this.  I'm beginning to think he 
    actually kinda likes me.  But since we realized how 
    dependent we are on the holodoc, when we thought we'd lost 
    him in the array, he and the captain have pushed me to 
    complete my training.  It just happens that it's easier to 
    do that during the gamma shift, when there aren't so many 
    people needing to use sickbay."  He smiled as he heard 
    himself.  Who'd have thought that Tom Paris would be 
    defending Commander Chakotay?  Would wonders never cease?
            B'Elanna waved her hand tiredly, then stepped aside 
    from Tom's gentle hold to bend and begin to stow her tools.  
    "Whatever you say, Tom, but it's still damned inconvenient.  
    You've promised me that we were going to get to use the 
    holodeck again, our next free day together, but that looks 
    like it won't be for ten more days!  We hardly ever see 
    each other."  Speaking rapidly, B'Elanna efficiently stowed 
    her tools and moved them and the ladder to sit just outside 
    the turbolift.
            Tom helped her set them against the wall.  "Well, 
    we're together now," he said ingratiatingly.
            B'Elanna's laugh was short and dismissive.  "For all 
    the good it's going to do, Paris.  We've got a huge repair 
    list and everyone else in Main Engineering is tearing their 
    hair out, trying to manufacture four hundred new metres of 
    flex wiring for the internal monitors that Tuvok found were 
    all damaged during the Hirogen's `visit'."  She pushed a 
    dark strand of hair behind her ear then, with her hands at 
    the small of her back, groaned feelingly.  "We'll never get 
    it all done."
            "Why aren't you down there in Main Engineering, 
    working on the wiring instead of tinkering with 
    turbolifts?" Tom asked.
            "Because I've already had two other people try to fix 
    the lift and it keeps stalling out.  I think there was some 
    undetected damage to the command interface during the 
    Hirogen takeover.  Probably the best thing would be to 
    install a new one but. . . ."  B'Elanna's voice trailed off 
    in frustration and she looked down.  A new problem caught 
    her eye.  "Damn!"
            "What?"  Tom's eyes followed her downward and saw the 
    rip in her smock and uniform top.  Liberally smudged with 
    lubricant and dust where she'd leaned against the edge of 
    the access hatch, a small trickle of blood seeped out from 
    a scratch on her abdomen, further staining the uniform.
            "Great, just great," B'Elanna complained, an edge of 
    frustration darkening her voice.  "Now I have to go back up 
    to my quarters and see if I have a clean, intact uniform 
            "After you," Tom indicated the Jeffries tube access 
    door with a gallant wave of the arm.
            "No," she forestalled, walking back into the 
    turbolift, "I've completed interim repairs on the 
    turbolift.  It should work fine now until we get a new 
    command interface replicated, tested and installed."  Tom 
    accompanied her into the confined space, both automatically 
    turning around to face forwards.
            "Torres to Main Engineering," B'Elanna hailed briskly.
            "Engineering here."
            "Restore power to the turbolift," Voyager's chief 
    engineer ordered.  She and Tom both felt the slight hum the 
    signaled power flowing into the lift's main systems.  
    B'Elanna smiled in satisfaction.  "Deck four," she ordered.  
    But before more than a moment passed, the smooth rise of 
    the turbolift turned into a terrifying lurch.  A bright, 
    electric glow pervaded the roof of the cabin and the pair 
    instinctively ducked to the floor as sparks arced 
    dangerously close to their heads.  In an instant, they were 
    plunged into darkness as safeties cut power to the lift's 
            Crouched on the floor in the dark, half-covering 
    B'Elanna with his body, Tom waited for further disaster.  
    But the rooftop systems were safely silenced, and the 
    mechanical emergency brakes held the cabin securely, if 
    inaccessibly, between decks four and five.  Underneath him, 
    Tom felt B'Elanna shift impatiently.  She freed a hand to 
    tap her combadge.
            "Torres to Engineering," she rapped out.
            "Engineering here."
            "What the hell happened here?  I just finished repairs 
    on the turbolift and then the whole system was knocked out 
    by some sort of power surge!"
    Joe Carey's calm voice replied, "Lieutenant, I'm not 
    sure what happened, but it looks like there the turbolift 
    systems sustained more damage in the Hirogen attack than 
    we'd first suspected.  The sensors recorded a spike in the 
    shaft's subprocessor buffer between Decks Four and Five 
    that coincided with the turbolift failure.  Looks like 
    you'll have to do some more repairs."
            B'Elanna groaned.  "I can't, Joe.  Tom and I were 
    riding in the turbolift when the system crashed. You're 
    going to have to beam us out."
    "Sorry, chief, no can do.  The power's down on the 
    internal sensors while we getting the wiring repaired, 
    remember?  No sensors, no internal transports."
    "Damn, that's right!  Well, can you hurry and get us 
    out of here?  With the power outage in the turbolift, we 
    don't have even emergency lights and I left my tools on 
    Deck Five."
            Tom chimed in helpfully, "I do have my medical 
            Even in the dark, he could feel B'Elanna's ire.  
    Barely controlled anger tinged her for-the-record response, 
    "Thank you very much, Lieutenant Paris, but I don't think 
    that'll be much help."
            Joe Carey interrupted before they could indulge in a 
    full-scale argument.  "Well, there's nothing for it but to 
    send a repair crew up through the Jeffries Tubes.  That'll 
    take a while.  Then we'll have to coordinate at the bridge 
    to isolate the turbolift controls, engage in a partial 
    powerup and begin repairs.  It's going to take some time."
            B'Elanna's tired sigh was answer enough for Tom.  He 
    shifted himself so that he was sitting beside her on the 
    floor of the darkened compartment.  "That's okay, Joe," he 
    acknowledged for her.  "B'Elanna and I will catch a little 
    shut-eye while you guys do the climbing."
            They both could hear the amused tone in Joe Carey's 
    acknowledgement.  Then silence fell.
    "So," Tom asked as he carefully worked his arm around 
    her shoulders, "want a bedtime story?"
        "Urgh!" was B'Elanna's immediate reply.  Tom could 
    feel the tension in her upper body.  "I don't have time to 
    be in here.  There's all this work to do and here I go, 
    making more by screwing up the repairs on the turbolift!"
            "Hey, didn't you hear Joe?" he chided as he tried to 
    massage a little of the tightness out of her shoulders and 
    neck.  "He said it was a power spike.  There probably was a 
    failure further down the line, nothing you could have found 
    while working on the command interface."
            "Hah," was B'Elanna's contemptuous retort, "that's 
    what you say.  But I'm the Chief of Engineering.  I'm 
    supposed to figure these things out!"
            "Nobody's perfect, Torres," Tom soothed as he 
    continued to rub and caress the back of her neck, "not even 
    me."  Even though the lift was dark, his smile was evident 
    in his voice.  Some of Tom's humour must have reached 
    B'Elanna, for she began to relax and lean into Tom's hold.  
    The warmth of her body was palpable.  Tom found his mind 
    automatically assessing the differences in metabolic rates 
    due to her half-Klingon physiology before he damped down 
    the medical stream-of-consciousness.  Tom chuckled.
            "What is it?"
            "Nothing, just found myself automatically thinking 
    like I was in sickbay.  If only the doctor could see me 
            B'Elanna straightened a bit more in his grasp.  "You 
    mean in the dark, on the floor with me and one of us 
            "No!  Though that's certainly what he expects of us, 
    isn't it?" Tom concluded in mock sorrow.  "And I didn't 
    even do anything, this time."
            B'Elanna's hand found its way to his chest.  "We could 
    change that," she suggested huskily.  A warm, feminine leg 
    insinuated itself over his thigh and between his legs.  
    Suddenly, Tom found himself prone on the turbolift floor, 
    held there as much by his own acquiescence as B'Elanna's 
            "Whatever do you mean, Lieutenant?" he asked, feigning 
    ignorance.  "Are you implying that we might engage in some 
    non-regulation behavior?"
            The kisses B'Elanna was trailing along his jawbone to 
    his left earlobe were somewhat distracting.  Despite his 
    exhaustion, Tom experienced a sensual jolt as her teeth 
    gently bit down on the lobe.  Delicately, B'Elanna tugged 
    on the lobe, a muted growl accompanying her action.  Her 
    teeth closed on the tender flesh and a spark of pain, 
    mingled with pleasure, rushed along his nerves.  He 
    struggled to continue his banter.  "What would the Captain 
            "Who's going to tell her?"  B'Elanna retorted as she 
    rose slightly above Tom.  The warmth of her breath came 
    close to his lips as she continued, "the repair crew's 
    going to take at least half an hour to get up to Deck Four 
    and start repairs.  They won't be able to tell.  I won't 
    tell.  Are you saying you'll tell?  Or are you too tired 
    for this?"  As she ended her speech, B'Elanna's lips lay 
    against Tom's own.  No longer able or willing to feign 
    reluctance, Tom opened his lips to capture hers in a 
    thorough kiss.  Rocking his pulsing erection against her 
    hips, he let his body give the assurance his words could 
            Tom felt the satisfied curve of B'Elanna's lips as she 
    met his kiss with equal passion.  She lowered her torso 
    against his own, her curves and weight a further 
    excitement.  Tom reached up to push aside the drape of her 
    smock.  His lover accommodatingly shifted her shoulders to 
    ease the garment's removal.  As she hurriedly flung that 
    aside, her own hands working at his uniform jacket, Tom was 
    loosening her own.  They separated somewhat to hasten 
            The darkness of the small compartment was total.  Even 
    though B'Elanna's face was mere inches away, Tom couldn't 
    make out her features.  But his memory and his other senses 
    aided his fingers in reconstructing the scene above him.  
    He savoured the musky undertone to B'Elanna's citrus-tinged 
    scent, rising above the acid, scorched taste of the air 
    that drifted past the burned-out controls.  In the 
    unaccustomed silence of the lift, he clearly heard the 
    whisper of her hair as she shifted her body upright over 
    his own.  The harsh rhythm of her breath slowed as she 
    deepened her sensual spell.
    The impressions became more and more detailed as his 
    mind drifted into the web of their lovemaking.  B'Elanna, 
    arching back, her pelvis possessively rocking over his 
    increasingly constrained penis.  Her lips pursing then 
    relaxing as his thumbs circled her nipples in slow strokes. 
    He felt her warm capable hands settle on his chest, lifting 
    the hem of his gray turtleneck.  She curled her fingers 
    into his chest hair, pulling gently and kneading 
    erotically.  Impatiently, she pushed his shirt higher, 
    tugging at the material.  Tom struggled to rise and remove 
    the garment before B'Elanna tore it in her haste.  He'd had 
    enough uniforms ruined that way!
            While he sat on the turbolift floor, tugging at his 
    black boots, B'Elanna crouched beside him.  A whisper of 
    cloth and two soft "clunks" signaled the discard of her 
    black pants and boots.  Naked, she knelt at Tom's shoulder.  
    He flinched as her tongue traced a line from his shoulder 
    to nape of his neck, dropping a boot through nerveless 
    fingers.  The tongue returned, licking a path from the nape 
    of his neck to the small of his back, while B'Elanna's 
    hands crept around to encircle his waist.  One hand reached 
    inside the waistband to measure the length of his erection 
    with feathering strokes.  Another joined the first, pushing 
    Tom's pants down and freeing his engorged penis.
            "B'Elanna, if you don't stop, I'm gonna explode right 
    here," Tom choked.  B'Elanna's only answer was to graze the 
    edge of her teeth along the length of his spinal column 
    while her hands continued their explorations.  Kneeling, 
    B'Elanna embraced Tom from behind, her breast crushed 
    against his back, her teeth marking the line of his 
    shoulders, her inner thighs flexing and relaxing against 
    his hipbones.  Almost unable to think, Tom managed to work 
    his pants down around his ankles.  B'Elanna's grip loosened 
    as he twisted his body around to capture her lips in a 
    powerful kiss.
            Entwined, they rocked back against the floor, 
    B'Elanna's head twisting to one side to avoid the wall of 
    their small compartment.  "Oww," she complained as her neck 
    twisted awkwardly.  Tom shifted his weight back on his 
    knees, allowing B'Elanna to slide away from the wall, 
    further underneath his long length.  Then he lowered his 
    torso to rub against hers, his shaft pressing at her pelvic 
    mound.  Mouth open for his kiss, B'Elanna groaned with 
    sexual longing.  Her hands locked around his neck, 
    deepening their kiss while her legs arched over his own.  
    She used the surprising strength of the thighs to throw Tom 
    off balance, rolling him onto his back.
            Her heard her pleased growl, before she closed the 
    distance between their upper bodies for a sharp nip on his 
    cheek.  Kisses followed, easing the brief pain as they 
    trailed down his torso.  B'Elanna stopped for a leisurely 
    inspection of his nipples, combing one hand through his 
    chest hair as she licked and teased his nipples into 
    erection.  Then her mouth continued its erotic exploration, 
    across his abdomen and down to his penis.  Her tongue 
    traced a wet trail from base to tip, then, B'Elanna 
    crouching between his legs, she repeated her actions from 
    the underside.  Involuntarily, Tom's hips arched off the 
    floor and he struggled to maintain some sort of control.  
    "B'Elanna!" he huskily warned.  His lover continued her 
    torment.  Her right hand gently cupped and rolled his 
    testicles while her mouth tasted and tested his readiness.  
    The warm pants of her breath accentuated Tom's arousal and 
    as she took his penis into her mouth, sucking strongly, he 
    could no longer control himself.  He came with a hoarse 
    shout and a convulsive jerk of his body.
            In the unnerving silence of the dead turbolift, 
    B'Elanna's husky laugh of satisfaction was all that Tom 
    heard, despite the racing beat of his heart and the harsh 
    rasp of his own breath.  As he lay, shattered and spent, he 
    felt her slim, warm body mold itself along and over the 
    length of his torso. Small but strong hands lay crossed 
    over his sternum and he felt the added pressure of 
    B'Elanna's chin molding them to his chest.  A chuckle 
    stirred her body.
            "What's so funny?" Tom asked.
            "I finally got to check out your tools," B'Elanna 
            Tom smiled.  "Did they check out okay?"
            "I'd say that they were in great condition and perfect 
    for some work I have in mind."
            "Oh, what kind of work?" Tom bantered back.
            B'Elanna inched her head up to Tom's.  "Well, there's 
    a certain engineering problem I've been having. . . ."  The 
    half-Klingon's voice trailed off suggestively.  Her warm 
    breath tickled the hair near his ears and he raised an arm 
    to smooth along the length of her back.
    B'Elanna squirmed away from his hand, nudging her leg 
    against his flaccid penis.  Tom felt a stirring as her body 
    moved across his own.  B'Elanna felt it, too.  Tom heard it 
    in her husky laugh as she lowered her lips to his, stealing 
    a kiss.
    He brought his other arm up to secure their embrace, 
    opening his mouth to stroke at hers with his tongue.  
    Sweeping inside with strong strokes, his tongue twined 
    against hers.  Tom broke their kiss only to roll his lover 
    over onto her back.  Now it was his turn to laugh as he 
    felt her body respond to his caresses.  B'Elanna gasped as 
    his tongue traced a slow line up and down the side of her 
    neck.  Tom's teeth delicately nibbled at the edge of her 
    jaw.  She felt her blood burn as his teeth playfully 
    scraped her cheek.
    Unconsciously, she rocked her hips closer to his, but 
    Tom's lankier form arched tantalizingly out of reach.  
    "Toooom," she moaned longingly.  Her arms edged around his 
    back, demandingly pulling him into a deeper embrace.  
    B'Elanna's smooth thighs cradled Tom's pelvis, inviting his 
    penetration, but still Tom waited.  He turned his attention 
    to B'Elanna's breasts, moistening the nipples with his 
    tongue before drawing each into his mouth.
    "Tom," B'Elanna managed to choke out, "either do 
    something now or I'll break every bone in your body!"  Her 
    hand reached between their sweat-beaded bodies to grasp his 
    penis, drawing it towards her moistly eager crevice.
    Whether it was the threat or the enticement, Tom 
    complied with B'Elanna's demand and joined their bodies 
    with a forceful thrust.  United, they rocked in a 
    quickening rhythm.  The utter darkness swept away any sense 
    of time or place and the two lovers' gasps were the only 
    sounds to be heard until B'Elanna's coming climax forced a 
    series of guttural shouts from her lips.  As spasms rocked 
    her body, Tom, too, lost his control and slammed into her 
    with a final shout.  "God, B'Elanna!"
    Pants gave way to normal breathing as the two lovers 
    remained coupled.  As Tom's heartbeat slowed, awareness 
    returned and he moved to lift his weight from B'Elanna's 
    smaller form.
    "No, Tom, stay a bit," B'Elanna murmured sleepily.
    "Bee, I'd love to but we _are_ in turbolift," Tom 
    B'Elanna bucked Tom off with a sudden jerk and sat up 
    abruptly.  "Migod, the repair crew should be here any 
    minute and we're sitting here without any clothes on!"  
    Frantically, she began to search the floor of the turbolift 
    for their discarded uniforms.  "What I wouldn't give for 
    some light!"
    Tom's fingers swept the smooth surface of his 
    tricorder.  He lifted the instrument, thumbing its controls 
    so a faint glow lit the display.  "Hey, the tricorder 
    should have something that can help us.  There's a small 
    light available in the field diagnostic mode."  His finger 
    tapped the appropriate control and a narrow but powerful 
    beam of light emerged from the tricorder.
    B'Elanna grabbed the instrument and turned the light 
    to the pile of garments she'd accumulated.  "Red, that's 
    yours, Tom.  Here's my smock.  Now whose pants are these?  
    Must be mine!"  Dressing took only a few minutes, although 
    B'Elann grumbled about trying to restore some order to her 
    hair.  Tom used his hands to smooth her hair into its 
    normal style.  Dressed and presentable, the two stared at 
    each other illuminated in the light of the tricorder.  "Now 
    what?" asked Tom.
    B'Elanna looked around angrily.  "After all our 
    rushing you'd think they'd be here by now!"  But before she 
    could speak anymore, her combadge chirped, and Lt. Carey's 
    cheerful voice hailed Voyager's Chief Engineer.
    "Joe, what took you guys so long?" B'Elanna demanded.
    "Well, when he was climbing up through the Jeffries 
    Tubes, Ensign Vorik dropped one of the replacement 
    subprocessors and I had to send him back to Main 
    Engineering to fabricate a new one.  I also noticed some 
    related damage in the shaft at deck nine, so we stopped and 
    did some repairs there.  I tried hailing you earlier but 
    you weren't responding."
    Embarrassment tinged B'Elanna's voice.  "Yeah, well, I 
    guess we fell asleep here."
    Tom chimed in before B'Elanna's transparent lies could 
    be questioned.  "The important question, Joe, is how soon 
    are you going to get us out?  I've got another duty shift 
    on the bridge starting at 0800!"
    "You and everyone else, Lieutenant Paris.  The gamma 
    shift's been buzzing about the turbolift being out of 
    service all this time.  But it looks like we've got the new 
    units installed and checked out.  I'm going to signal the 
    bridge to restore internal power to this section and then 
    bring the lift up to Deck Four.  Should have you out in a 
    Standing there in the darkened turbolift, the pair 
    waited for just a few seconds after Joe Carey finished 
    speaking and then with a familiar hum, lights flooded the 
    turbolift compartment.  Both blinked in the sudden 
    brightness, then lurched as the chamber began to move, 
    rising steadily the few remaining metres to the next Deck.  
    The doors smoothly opened to reveal Joe and two other 
    engineers, standing just outside the doors.  A profusion of 
    instruments and parts lay strewn in the corridor.
    "Good to see you, Lieutenants," Joe Carey greeted.  
    "Sorry about the inconvenience."  Ensign Geria Sakulla took 
    some readings from a large engineering diagnostic unit 
    while Ensign Vorik continued to pack away tools and 
    Tom waved airily as he exited the turbolift a step 
    behind B'Elanna.  "No problem, Joe.  But I've really got to 
    get back to my quarters and catch a little shuteye before 
    I'm due on the bridge."
    B'Elanna indicated her torn and stained smock.  "And 
    I'd better change this.  Can you guys finish up here and 
    then join me back in engineering?  I'll need your data for 
    the end-of-shift report for Commander Chakotay."  As she 
    followed Tom down the corridor, Ensign Vorik's eyes were 
    caught by something inside the turbolift.  He stepped into 
    the compartment and picked up two gray, crumpled uniform 
    undershirts.  "Lieutenant Carey, it appears that Lieutenant 
    Torres and Lieutenant Paris left these behind.  Should I 
    follow and return them?  I fail to understand why they 
    should have removed these garments and failed to retrieve 
    them."  The young Vulcan eyed the garments with puzzlement, 
    unable to assure himself of the proper protocol for this 
    situation.  His relations with his superior and the 
    helmsman had never been easy since . . . the young Vulcan 
    refused to recall any more of that embarrassing situation 
    at Sakari IV.  Nevertheless, certainly they should be 
    grateful to have their uniform garments returned.
    Vorik's eyebrows arched in surprise as Lieutenant 
    Carey snatched the clothing out of his hand, stuffing it 
    into an engineering pouch.  "No need, Ensign.  We've got 
    enough work to do, certifying the turbolift for full use.  
    I'll pass them on to the Lieutenants later." Ensign Sakulla 
    stifled a smile at her superior's quick recovery.  It was 
    easy for the human engineers to deduce what had gone on in 
    the turbolift.  And Vulcans thought they were so 
    perceptive. . . .


    Source: geocities.com/area51/station/1485

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