The Name of the Game is Diamondback

Leapold- He walks among us

There are essentially three written versions of the Diamondback game that am aware of. One was written in the the Cerebus WORLD TOUR book 1995, however these rules differ greatly from the other two examples. Another is in Cerebus issue #___. These rules are written by Dave Sim and are perhaps the most acurate. The set of Diamond back cards released by Aardvark-Vanahiem also includes a set of rules for the game which is slightly less detailed that the Sim version. However, that's the one I'm gonna be using to teach you the game, so if you're not satisfied with what you sea on this page, I suggest you go out and buy the Cerebus High Society Trade Paperback.

During the " best three weeks of his life" (CEREBUS #11), when Cerebus had more money than he had ever dreamed existed, the Earth-Pig had spent most of his days drinking and playing Diamondback in the taverns of Pedron. Although similar to the modern game of Poker, Diamondback differs from its bastardized descendant in many significant ways... and so, for those neophytes out there, here is an outline of the Aardvarkian game of Diamondback...


consists of 1 Magician:

2 Priestesses:

3 Queens:

4 Kings:

and 5 Priests:

For three players the deck consists of 1 Magician, 4 Priestesses, 6 Queens, 8 Kings, and 10 Priests (two decks minus 1 Magician). For four players its three decks minus two Magicians.


Magician-Priestess____________70 points
Priestess-Priestess___________65 pts
Magician-Queen_______________60 pts
Magician-King________________55 pts
Priestess-King_______________50 pts
Priestess-Queen______________45 pts
Priestess-Priest______________40 pts
Queen-King__________________ 35 pts
Magician-Priest_______________30 pts
Queen-Queen_________________ 25 pts
King-King____________________20 pts
Queen-Priest_________________15 pts
King-Priest___________________10 pts
Priest-Priest_________________5 pts

THE GAME begins with a draw for a high card. The draw's winner deals the first hand, two cards face down to each player. Each player examines his cards and the dealer makes a wager that must be matched by each of the other players. There is no ante in this version of Diamondback, if you like to ante, then go read the rules for Dealers Diamondback. Therefore, a player who folds on each hand can play all night without losing a coin. Having matched the dealers wager, each player left in the game exposes one of his cards. The dealer then exposes one of his cards and initiates a new round of betting, each player choosing whether to match the dealer's wage or fold. It is up to the dealer to decide whether the betting ceaces and the other card is exposed to determine the winning hand. The best hand wins. In the case of two players having identical hands as "best hand", the pot is carried over into the next hand (this is if only two people are playing). If there are three or four players in the game and two players have identical "best hands", the pot is divided between them. If all three or four players have identical "best hands", the pot is carried over into the next game.


MATCH DIAMONDBACKthe game continues until both players or a majority of players agree to end it. Any player leaving the game before winning all of the coins, or a concensus is reached forfiets his winnings into th pot for the next game.

DEALER'S DIAMONDBACKThe only variation with an ante, established by the dealer, prior to dealing. Each player must match the ante, the cards are dealt and the dealer makes an initial wager. His opponents are then required to double that wager to remain in the game, or can choose to fold. One card is turned over by each player and the dealer makes another wager which his opponents are then required to double to remain in the game. The dealer desides when the wagering is finished and the other card is exposed. The winner becomes the new dealer.

Cerebus and all associated characters are ™ and © Dave Sim. All artwork © Dave Sim and Gerhard.

© 2001