Ammex of House Æthon

Character: Ammex of House Aethon Alignment: NG Hit Points: 23 Class: Gladiator/Psionicist Level: 3/3

Movement: 12
PSP’s: 41
MAC: 7 Sex: Male Hair: Black Eyes: Blue-Grey Height: 6’2" Weight: 380 lbs.
# of Siblings: None Social Class: Low Thac0: 14 with Long Sword

12 with Gun’mah (Mallet) 12 with Tortoise BladesAC: 6 (Carru leather, Dex)

STR: 21
Dex: 17
Con: 15
Int: 13
Wis: 16
Cha: 17

--Equipment: Long Sword, Gun’mah, Tortoise Blades, Ornate Jozhal Vest, 3 Water Skins, belt pouch, fine sandals, pants created by wrapping strips of blackened Erdlu leather around legs, black-purple scarf for hair, spiked bracelet. 25 cp, 3 sp.

-- Proficiencies: Long Sword, Tortoise Blades (specialization), Gun’mah (Mallet) (specialization), Ettiquette, Bargaining, Mental Armor, Contact
-- Languages: Trade, Tyrian, Elven, Dwarven

Para Rod Petri Breath Spell
13 15 12 16 15

Disciplines: Telepathy, Psychometabolicism
Sciences: Animal Affinity, Mindlink
Devotions: Attraction, Body Weaponry, Danger Sense, ESP, False Sensory Input, Graft Weapon, Life Detection

Background: As a child of noble birth, Ammex was always pampered and treated well. His father sent him to study the Way when he was nine, he had academic schooling from a very early age, and had a supportive family that loved him very much. He always thought something was missing though. After his parents died when a angry Mekillot went berserk, Ammex inherited all his family’s land, money and power. With this new wealth, Ammex indulged his fantasy of owning a gladiator stable, and purchased six slaves to fight for him. Like all nobles, he showed off his new toys to his friends, and even grew somwhat jealous of their strength and power, their menacing appearance and their barbaric manners.
Ammex soon became obsessed with the gladiatorial games, investing more and more money into it and tripling his wealth. Then one day he stopped. He sat in his parlor, and thought. He knew what he wanted to do, he wanted to fight in the arena, hear the crowd chant his name, see his opponents blood on his blade. Ammex instructed one of his finest gladiators to teach him how to battle, and the warrior gladly agreed, happy to be the one to give the wounds this time. For a bit over three years, Ammex practiced day and night with the skilled warrior, increasing his strength, stamina and agility.
Once he was ready, he signed up for the gladiatorial games, and bribed a templar into giving him a certificate saying he graduated from the city’s gladiator training program. He walked into the arena to boo’s and catcalls, and was dragged out half-dead. As Ammex was on the verge of death, a Silt Cleric ran up to his body and healed his wounds.
Grateful for the service, Ammex invited the cleric (Jo’sans) to his estate, where he would be provided for the rest of his life. Jo’sans accepted, and they departed from the arena. When the noble returned to his estate, he learned that the other nobles had heard of his new “hobby” and quickly decided to confiscate his lands.
Now penniless, Ammex fights to regain his wealth with the help of Jo’sans. On the streets, he has learned a lot about how life really is, and is repenting for owning slaves by freeing each one he meets, no matter what the consequences.