New Races for Dark Sun

Rules For Creating "New Races" for Dark Sun

As was seen in the Prism Pentad series, the Pristine Tower mutates all those who bleed in itÆs vicinity. All creatures who shed blood change drastically, often turning into savage beasts. But sometimes these mutants arenÆt so savage. If a recently mutated mother gives birth, for instance, the child usually retains itÆs humanoid mind, and is not a beast. ItÆs a rare event, but it still happens.
Ever since Magus showed his tough hide in the Prism Pentad series, I thought it would be fun to play a character of this sort. But how does one go about making a completely new race from scratch? With a table, of course : )

A New Man cannot have more than 4 enhanced abilities
New Races Enhanced Abilities
(Roll 1d20)
1 +0
2 +1
3 +1
4 +1
5 +1
6 Roll Twice
7 +2
8 +2
9 +2
10 +2
11 +3
12 +3
13 +3
14 +3
15 Roll Twice
16 +4
17 +4
18 +4
19 Roll Twice
20 Roll Thrice

New Races Ability Subtractions
(Roll 1d20)
1 -0
2 -1
3 -1
4 -1
5 -1
6 Roll Twice
7 -2
8 -2
9 -2
10 -2
11 -3
12 -3
13 -3
14 -3
15 Roll Twice
16 -4
17 -4
18 -4
19 Roll Twice
20 Roll Thrice

Roll on the Attribute Table (1d6) to find what attribute it enhances
1 Strength
2 Dexterity
3 Constitution
4 Intelligence
5 Wisdom
6 Charisma

If the Enhancements and Subtractions compete with each other, either subtract or add the difference of the two to the attribute, or reroll on the attribute table.

Roll on the table below for the character's height.
(1d20) Height Base Modifier
1 Small: 32/30 2d8
2-4 Small: 38/36 1d6
5-6 Small: 43/41 1d10
7-8 Small: 48/46 1d4
9 Medium: 55/50 1d10
10 Medium: 60/58 2d6
11-12Medium: 60/59 2d10
13 Medium: 65/65 2d6
14 Medium: 70/68 2d4
15 Large: 78/75 2d6
16 Large: 88/86 2d4
17 Large: 98/97 2d6
18 Huge: 130/128 3d6
19 Huge: 150/146 2d4
20 Huge: 170/168 2d8

Starting Age Maximum Age
15 + 1d10 Starting Age X 5 +2d20 (rolled by DM)

Weight: Use common sense, the characterÆs weight chould reflect his height and strength.

Mutations: (1d100)(Roll twice on this table, if the two rolls are the same, or contradict each other (or are very similar [Wings MV24, C and Wings MV12, A] reroll.)

(01-05)1 Tough Hide: (Cannot wear armor)
-1d2 AC (-1 Charisma)
-1d4 AC (-2 Charisma)
-1d6 AC (-3 Charisma) (Considered Carapace)
-1d8 AC (-4 Charisma) (Considered Carapace)
-1d10 AC (-5 Charisma) (Considered Carapace)
(06-10) 2 Different Skin Coloration (-3 Charisma)
Light Blue
Deep Black
Dark Crimson
Albino (must wear protective covering in Sunlight or suffer 1d3 sunburn, -2 to hit)
(11-15) 3 Different Eye Color
Dark Red
Light Red
(16-20) 4 Infravision
(21-25) 5 Claws (make 2 attacks per round)
Claws 1d3 damage
1d4 damage
1d6 damage
1d8 damage
1d10 damage
(26-30) 6 Wings
MV 12, A
MV 24, B
MV 36, C
MV 18, C
MV 36, A
(31-35) 7 Extra Limbs
One Arm
One Leg
Two Wings (Claustrophobia) MV 24, B
Two Wings (Claustrophobia) MV 36, C
One Tail
(36-40) 8 Unusable Limb: (-3 Charisma, -2 Dexterity)
Extra Arm
Extra Leg
Short Tail (6ö)
Long Tail (3Æ)
Extra Head (-4 from Charisma)
(41-45) 9 Beak (-1 Charisma)
1 damage
1d2 damage
1d3 damage
1d4 damage (-2 Charisma)
1d6 damage (-2 Charisma)
(46-50) 10 Unusual Physical Traits:
Excessive Hair Growth (-3 Charisma)
Hands Like Bucklers (can use next largest weapon size)
Huge Feet (+1 to Dexterity (Balance))
Large Nose (only surprised on 1 or 2, can sense some poisons)
Keen Eyes (Supravision 60Æ)
(51-55) 11 Unusual Physical Traits:
Razor Sharp Teeth (1d6 damage)
Water Maximization (Needs only 1 gallon of water per week)
Antennae (+2 to darkness penalties)
Incredible Leg Muscles (Jump 20Æ high, or 30Æ forward)
Incredible Arm Muscles (Roll a BB/LG roll to escape from grip, +1 Strength)
(56-60) 12 Unusual Physical Traits:
Weak Gills (breath underwater two hours per day)
Strong Immune System (immune to disease)
Flexible Bones (+1 Dex, -1d4 damage from bludgeoning weapons (but no less than 1)
Tiny Nose (-1penalty to surprise roll)
Weak Eyes (-1 penalty to surprise roll, all visual ranges are consider 1 higher (detail becomes ID)
(61-65) 13 Enhanced Body:
Long Legs (+3 MV)
Hollow Limbs (+1 Dexterity, +1d4 from bludgeoning weapons)
Long Arms (All weapons are condiered one size larger for purposes of reach)
Double Hit Points
Small Wings (MV 12, C)(Hidable)
(66-70) 14 Strengthened Physiology
Strong Muscles (+1 to Strength)
Strong Bones (+1to Strength)
Strong Heart (+1 to Constitotion)
Strong Lungs (+1 to Constitution)
Strong Heart (+2 to Constitution)
(71-75) 15 Missing or Deformed Facial Feature (-1 Charisma)
Nose (-1 penalty to surprise roll)
Eye (-1 penalty to surprise roll, all visual ranges are consider 1 higher (detail becomes ID)
Mouth (Deformed only)
Ear (-2 penalty to surprise roll)
Forehead (Deformed only)
(76-80) 16 Special Racial Abilities:
Mul Endurance
Half-Elven Animal Empathy and Companion at 5th level
Dwarven Focus
Elf Run
Dodge Missiles as Thri-Kreen
(81-85) 17 Special Immunities:
Immunity to poison (+6 to saves)
Immunity to Illusions (+4 to saves)
Immunity to magic (20% magic resistance, cannot cast magic)
Immunity to Psionics (save Vs Spell to avoid effects of any Telepathic Devotion)
Immunity to Hot\Cold (+4 to saves)
(86-90) 18 Innate Abilities
Cure Light Wounds once per day
Cure Light Wounds twice per day
Detect Magic once per day
Invisibility once per week
Comprehend Languages once per day
(91-95) 19 Innate Abilities
Charm Person once per week
Truth Hear once per day
Cure Disease once per week
Danger Sense once per day - automatic
Speak With Animals thrice per day
(96-100) 20 Extra Rolls
Two Extra Rolls
Two Extra Rolls
Two Extra Rolls
Three Extra Rolls
Three Extra Rolls