New Dark Sun Spells

Teleportation Scrambling Field
Level: Wizard 5, Priest (Templar) 4
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Prep Time: 1 turn
Duration: I day/level
Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: up to 20 feet/level radius; 10 feet/level high
Saving Throw: None

This spell has a multitude of practical uses on a world such as Athas. Merchants use it to prevent thieves from teleporting into their shops, templars use it to protect outposts and stationary armies, and the Veiled Alliances to protect from templar raids. The spell protects a stationary area from all forms of teleportation (phase, dimension door, etc.) and of all types (psionic, magical, etc.). The area that can be affected must fit in a radius equal to the casters level multiplied by 20. For instance, if Grel the 15th level mage cast the spell, he could protect an area 300 feet in radius. The area could also be up to 150 feet above or below the surface (level multiplied by ten feet).

This spell leaves a light, tell-tale smell in the air, very similar in scent to ammonia. The smell is undetectable in high winds, but in anything else, can be detected by spending a round smelling the air. Clever merchants leave bits of bat guano (which smells like ammonia) outside their shops to scare away thieves. Permanency and Semi-Permanency spells are often coupled with this for the best protection.

The teleporter who encounters this spell is in big trouble. When the psionicist comes in contact with the barrier, he or she if teleported away instantly. Roll a d20 and consult the table below to see the range of the second teleportation:

Roll: Range:
1-4 10 yards
5-12 100 yards
13-16 1000 yards
17-19 1 mile
20 5 miles

The material component for this spell is a bit of bat guano seeped in the blood of a freshly killed teleporter. The guano must seep for precisely one turn.

Note: A tenth level wizard version of the spell extends the spells radius to 100 feet per caster level, and 20 feet per level in height. The material component for the spell is the blood of 100 psionicists (but it needs not be fresh), and 100 bats stored in an airless container for one year. The duration is the casters level in decades.

Recast (Invocation)
Range: None
Components: V, S, M
Duration: None
Casting Time: 15 days
Area of Effect: One spell
Saving Throw: None
Material Component: An obsidian sphere with a diamond center, worth 1,000 gp

Recast is a powerful Psionic Enchantment that allows the mage to re-cast any spell one round after it ceases to exist. The spell happens immediately, and material components are required to cast the spell, save for and obsidian sphere with a diamond center, valued at 1,000 gp. The spells casting time is reduced to “5.”

Shape the Black (Shadow)
Range: Caster
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: One six foot cube
Saving Throw: None
Material Component: None
This spell calls forth six cubic feet worth of deep black ooze. This ooze issues from the caster’s fingertips, and can be shaped into any solid shape provided it stays within the boundaries of the six cubic feet. If any one except the mage touches the black object, they must save versus spell or take 1d3 damage, plus 2 points per caster level. This spell can only be learned by Shadow Mages, as the connection to their Black is necessary.