
The Ultimate Guide to Relationships

Tribute to Kevin Smith

A beautiful tribute


Older musings: I love the title 'Ship and Slash' - think it'd work? Oh, and if you haven't seen Smallville, WATCH IT NOW! Talk about chemistry!!! Plus the whole Buffy/Spike thing is amazing this season. The angst!

Coming Soon: The 2001 Showcase - Voting via the soul_talk Mailing List.

and DelennMulder and 

Science Fiction Soulmates

Our favorite couples from around the galaxy.

Ares and Xena Catherine and Vincent

Fantasy and Gothic Genre Matches
Vampires and the otherworldly.

Buffy and Angel Spike and Dru

Soulmates in the Buffyverse

Urk Ick

Looking for "Soulmates in Star Trek"?

They were temporarily removed as a form of protest.
they're back. But the protest stays!


Harm and Mac Rose and Jack

Unforgettable Pairs - Television   Film and More

RayK and Fraser Kirk and Spock

Soulmates of a different kind
Friends, family, etc.

Elaine and Guybrush Devon and Danziger

Personal Favorites
Covered in the other pages, but with my own comments.

Last updated December 2001.

Hot Couples and Latest Additions!

The Soulmates Guestbook. Sign or View  (View Old Entries here)

Suggest your own pairs of Soulmates - But it's broken (AGAIN!) so please don't just yet. Email it to me instead?

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  Notes and acknowledgements.

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