Welcome to Eternal Fantasy's Award page!

Eternal Fantasy Award

To apply for my award all you have to do is sign my guestbook or email me, and let me know that you would like my award.

Your site needs to have some sort of Fantasy theme, no pornography or explicit language please! Your site should be relatively easy to navigate, not have broken links or images and be presented well over all.

When I receive you request I will check out your site and then e-mail you to let you know if you have won. I require a link from the award back to my page please. If you win I will include a link to your site on the winners page.

So, what are you waiting for. . .go ahead and apply!!   Good Luck!!

Sign my Guestbook

If you would like to email me also you may do that Here.   It is not necessary to send an email if you have signed the guestbook.

Thanks for applying and I will fly on over as soon as I can and let you know if you are a Winner.

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