So, you ask, who exactly had the great pleasure of serving with the "Siblings Supreme" during their time with the "Extreme Justice" faction of the Justice League? Well, here's who:

BLUE BEETLE (Ted Kord) was a founding member of the wacky, zany, incompetent, stupid Giffen/DeMatteis era League (immediately post-Legends).
Prior to this he had been a more serious solo crime-fighter. He's a technical genius, can invent lots of things, and some days he's rich and/or fat.
BOOSTER GOLD (Michael Carter) is from the future, and is also rich every now and then (though rarely if ever fat). He and Blue Beetle are the best of buds.
His heroic talents rely on his suit of armour, which is all-too-frequently trashed, upgraded, or replaced.
CAPTAIN ATOM (Nathaniel Adam? Who the hell knows anymore) has never been fat, but he did used to be a soldier or something.
He's bossy, uptight and boring, but hey -- if I were about to fight a supervillain, would I say no to Cap's help? Of course not. He's tough.
MAXIMA was once a bad-guy, I think, chasing after Superman. She decided thereafter that Supes was the only fellow on Earth worthy of becoming her husband. Superman said "Bog off" so she swapped for Captain Atom.
Don't call her fat or she'll tear you to bits.
FIRESTORM (Ronnie Raymond) was dying of leukemia when he hooked up with the EJ guys. Now he's not.
I don't think he was ever fat, but some days he's made up of two different people, so that might add a little weight somewhere.
AMAZING MAN (Will Someone, I don't really care) has the ability to ... no, I'm not falling for that. I'm not even going to try to describe his loopy, unpredictable and inconsistent powers.
He isn't exactly fat, but sometimes he's way too muscled-up.

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