Your librarianThe Penthouse Library

They say that some tribal peoples count "one, two, many". Well, now that we have more than two volumes in our little library, we felt it was time to put some shelves up and issue tickets. Do take a ticket and feel free to browse.

The Decanter : An old but rather interesting guide to the English language and how not to use it.
The Order of British Excellent’s : The nearest you are likely to get to Current Events commentary in this library!
Is English Changing? Miss Scott-Robinson discusses the future of the language
The Influx of Infantlisation: a reply to The Problem of Proletarianisation.
The Problem of Proletarianisation: It isn't discussed much outside Secessionist circles, but this is perhaps the key change that has taken place in British culture since the Eclipse.
The Equality Police: What does the doctrine of equality really entail in terms of social organisation?
True and False Bohemians: a review of The Constant Nymph by Margaret Kennedy. This essay is much more than it may seem at first, being a penetrating Essentialist analysis of a problem that lies near the heart of the current world.

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