This is the former location of the Armenian community school.  Its been there for a long time, and many people have given much to keep it going. 
Unfortunately they have decided to build a freeway near it, as shown, and the decline of the neighborhood increased in speed.  Now it is temporarily at another location.  I took this picture the day after they took the sign down, which was in Armenian letters.
This is the temporary new location of the school.  We rent it from Catholics.   Unfortunately, the incredibly wealthy only are willing to donate to our community school if we name the school after them. 
I would like to thank the Boardmembers for not allowing the name of the school to be changed.  This should not become named after anyone, and I hope that everyone will support the fundraisers they have.
Its well documented the role of the church in our community.  What seems to be becoming lost in our traditions and culture is the role of our community schools.  In the old country, every ethnicity took care of their own.  This was especially true for non-muslims.  We built our own hospitals, schools, and professional organizations.  We were the hospitals the muslim leaders went to when they or their families were sick.  They sent their kids to our schools, because of the high regard we had for learning. 
We should keep alive, that which made us the envy of muslim extremists.  We were highly valued asset in the Muslim world until world war one, when we were forced to flee our historical lands because of religious persecution. 
In this picture, and figuratively, the shadow is closing in on this old building...
click HERE for the Community Schools own webpage.