SJNBWitches Shadow's Archive (under construction)

Goddess of the Realm, Known too you as Aksha~ Her Birth from the Mother, our Goddess of Creation, her Handmaiden the Earth, Her Child, its Nature ! Come forth and feel Her birth channel What you call Ethrick Grow beyond The Thinning Wall, Cast your shadow On the door way of Trust.. Be what you will See who thow art. So mote it be! Goddess Selket The Lady of healing and Medicines, Mistress of Magic, Her realm is that place that exists, between life and death, known to most of us as "Akasha" the place between the physical and astral plane,, Protector of those who travel out side there bodies, refered to in the old hieroglypfic text, as the dead.. The power of the heart Is to determine the Will Can the will mind Emotion Are her words Internal or is it External Know how to deturmine The inner and the outer Seek the path of your Heart For in the Realm Your Beauty is Formed Wait on the Spirit of our True Self At the Ending of the 8th of 3 nine's Looking to the four 9's , to await the 10th To them who walk the path of a Goddess Power and Trust The Awakening Has Begun One key times three. One of Creation of our Physical One of Creation of our Spirit One to connect between the Two Of others that are their power to be that of who, and Witch they be Mother Goddess of Creation To her daughter of Passage Awoke the Mother of her Daughter To create a vessel to pass into Learning That trust and Power Will come in the awakening of our true Existence Copyrite T.Forfar-1/1/1990

Voice of Witches Civil Rights Group

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Site Updated 16 - May - 2004
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