Which Gensoumaden Saiyuki Hero are you?

It was inevitable. I couldn't stop myself... it... just... had... to... be... MADE!!!

As far as I can tell, most Saiyuki internet tests, (Or most internet tests out there as a matter of fact) happen to be way too obvious when you take them, oftentimes forcing you to quit halfway because you already know that you're going to get Goku or that they have too many reactions like "Baka saru!" So, I tried my hand at making one but of course, as with all tests, I hope this is as accurate as possible.

1) The heat is unbearable and there's nothing you can do about it. Not likely enough since right now you would be...
Like you give a damn since you've blasted the air-conditioning to as far as it can go!
Over at the beach, catching a tan.
Going to the mall to watch a movie, searching for the coldest spot.
Trying to be busy so you can forget about the heat

2) Pick a fruit... And all you yaoi fanpeople will take that soooo out of context...
Watermelons and Grapefruit
Strawberries and Cherries

3) Why'd you pick that fruit?
Because of all those fruits, only that one made me feel satisfied.
Everyone likes them, right? I know you like them too!
Because I felt like it, y'gotta problem?
Because they're delicious!

4) You come across a wallet with roughly a thousand dollars on the floor and with several important documents and personal photographs. Since no one else was around, you take it and...
You need the money. Except, you don't know what to spend it on just yet. Maybe later.
Anything and everything you see that can be bought!
Buy something you've been wanting for a long time, except never had the money.
Decide to splurge on clothes, even though some people say you dress funny.

5) Then, one day, you meet up with the very same man who lost his wallet. He asks you if you've seen it and he would give a reward to whomever finds it. You...
Breath a sigh of relief that you haven't spent it (Or at least, not a lot of it.) and return it for the reward, earning you oodles of good karma points..
Slap yourself mentally on the forehead and return whatever was left inside, not hoping for the reward and blaming karma.
Return whatever you still have and ask for just a fraction of the reward, or none at all.
Deny you ever saw the wallet and leave calmly.

6) Word association time! Think fast: Earrings = _____

Daryl does not own Gensoumaden Saiyuki© or any of it's characters. All characters shown are property and © Kazuya Minekura.