First Name? :   eric
Age? :   66
I am From? :   new zealand
Male or Female? :   m
Email & URL? :   
Marital Status? :   single
Comments? :   this is good
Date: M/D/Y ? Your Time: 12hrs :   saterday 12 june 2100
First Name? :   Chum
Age? :   32
I am From? :   Takla Landing, BC/Via Prince George, BC
Male or Female? :   M
Email & URL? :   chum123@yahoo.ca
Marital Status? :   Private & Discreet
Comments? :   Hi, Welcome to my Guest-book. If you like to comment, or PV me, PLease do so. Thank you for stopping by. Talk to you as soon as I can. Cheeers, Have a good one.
Date: M/D/Y ? Your Time: 12hrs :   June 3rd 2004-7:39pm
First Name? :   Kevin
Age? :   38
I am From? :   PG
Male or Female? :   M
Email & URL? :   www.minifi.com/glis
Marital Status? :   Single
Comments? :   Looks good Vernon. Nice job.
Date: M/D/Y ? :   06/11/2004
First Name? :   Howard
Age? :   old
I am From? :   Richmond
Male or Female? :   Male
Email & URL? :   rmdbear1955@yahoo.ca
Marital Status? :   Single
Comments? :   Well done Vernon...it looks really good.
Date: M/D/Y ? :   June 10, 2004
First Name? :   dave
Age? :   39
I am From? :   pg
Male or Female? :   male
Email & URL? :   
Marital Status? :   
Comments? :   
Date: M/D/Y ? :   june 10
First Name? :   William
Age? :   63
I am From? :   Vancouver, BC
Male or Female? :   Male
Email & URL? :   
Marital Status? :   Unattached
Comment? :   A nice start to the web site. The music is a nice touch. Lots more work to do.
Date: M/D/Y ? :   June 4,2004

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