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Press Release
WOW Task Force

May 13, 2001

God has created man after His own image and made of one blood all nations of men. We are of one family, we belong to each other and we have to consider each other as brothers and sisters. This solidarity of the human race entails a mutual responsibility. It is our common cause if one member of the family of nations suffer injustice. No community, small or large, can exist in the long run if between the members of that community there is no justice, and crime is neither prevented nor punished. There will be no chance whatsoever for peace and security in this world if no justice is done and the rules and principles of the law of nations are constantly overridden. It is equally impossible that within a community the misery and suffering of one member should be of no concern to others.

The people of the Republic of the South Moluccas using the saying of President Wilson for too long have been battered about from sovereignty to sovereignty as if they were mere chattels and pawn of a game. Immediately after the transfer of Sovereignty by the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Republic of the United States of Indonesia, one of the component states, the Republic of Indonesia the capital of which at that time was Jokjakarta, with the purpose of transforming the Federal structure of the United States of Indonesia into a Unitarian state called the Republic of Indonesia, started to illegally liquidate and annex the fifteen other states by means of terror, intimidation, infiltration, and use of armed force. But in so doing the Indonesian leaders grievously misjudged the real wish for federalism among the different population groups in the East-Indian Archipelago and tactlessly ignored important political decisions, such as the one taken by the South-Moluccan Council on March 11, 1947, to join the federal state of East Indonesia conditionally, that is to say: without prejudice to their right to withdraw from the federal state in case the interest of the South Moluccans should be insufficiently taken into account.

When in April 1950 the forces of the Republic of Indonesia invaded the component state of East Indonesia the capital of which was Makassar, the council of the South Moluccas, backed by the people and treaties such as the Linggarjati , Renville, Round Table agreements as well as the above aforementioned decision on March 11, 1947, making use of their right to withdraw from the component state of East Indonesia and of their Right to self-determination , on April 25, 1950 proclaimed the Independent and Sovereign Republic of the South Moluccas. Although the people and their Council that were elected by democratic means had thus acted within their rights, the Republic was invaded by the troops (TNI) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Today, the illegal Republic of Indonesia a.k.a NKRI continue their practice of terror, intimidation, and force of arms. This cruel practice is leveled upon the Moluccan people, as well as the people of East Timor, Aceh, and West Papua. In order to prevent people from exercising their right of self-determination the Indonesian military(TNI) bribed some East Timorese people to do their dirty work. These pro Indonesian Timorese coached by the TNI formed a militia and was responsible for the slaughtering of more than 2000 East Timorese as well as the scorching of property to the ground. In the Moluccas the TNI continue to perpetrate their practice of terror and intimidation. However, religion is used as weapon to annihilate the Moluccan people. The TNI used the vigilante Laskar Jihad to attack the Moluccas. Their excuse this time is that Christians are the infidels and therefore need to be fossilized from the surface of the earth. In fact one of the TNI hired gun, Ustad Atamimi, stated: " We will have no reconciliation before all Christians infidels and their leaders are butchered and killed." A video recording of the Chief of Police, Firman Ghani, clearly showed that he was coaching the vigilante Jihad forces stationed in Waai to attack Christians in Saparua. It is public knowledge that the speaker of the House, Amien Rais was responsible in ordering the vigilante Jihad forces to attack the Moluccas.

The Indonesian government continue to use the divide and conquer tactic, by pitting Christians against their Muslim brothers. The Jihads were used to provoke Moluccan Moslems to attack their Christians brothers. Christians are infidels and synonymous to a separatist group of the Republic of the South Moluccas (RMS-Republik Maluku Selatan).The bottom line is that Muslims as well as Christians Moluccans fought for RMS and the struggle is about "Liberation" and it has nothing to do with one’s religion. In other word the tactic employed by the Indonesian government is to create an enviroment that is conducive for the destruction of the Moluccan people, Muslims as well as Christians, so Indonesia can freely exploit the richness of the Moluccas and forever burry their illegal deeds so the world will never know that there once was a Moluccan Nation. They’ve been scorch from the surface of the earth and fossilized forever.

However they are mistaken, because we are determined to bet on our dreams, take the calculated risk and leave behind forever the external forces that hold us down. We are as determined as Patrick Henry when he said: " Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!

At the writing of this article 13,000 Moluccans have been butchered to death; 500,000 people left homeless; thousands of children became orphans; schools, universities, churches and mosques completely destroyed.

Last week, the Executive Chairman of FKM- Front Kedaulatan Maluku (Moluccan Sovereignty Front), Dr. Alex Manuputty with his lawyers and a team of 20 was ordered to come to Jakarta from the Moluccas for a meeting with the Indonesia Chief of Police regarding the hoisting of the RMS flag on April 25, 2001. When they arrived they were purposely neglected and told to wait in open field for 6.5 hours (from 7.00 pm to 1.30 am). Afterwards the whole FKM team was placed in a room approximately 6 by 9 m in dimension. They were left with no choice except to sleep in a crowded room on a naked brutal floor, because no beds nor mattresses were provided for the delegation. The original meeting was scheduled for 2 days, but so far they’ve been detained for 4 days and there is no definite schedule as to when they will be allowed to return to Ambon, even though Dr Manuputty is scheduled to file a pretrial against the Moluccan Chief of Police, Firman Ghani on Tuesday, April 15, 2001. Therefore we as Moluccans-Americans, Moluccans in Europe and Australia as well as the ones at our Mother country appeal to the American government, European Union, Australian government as well as the International community to do the following:

1. To promptly demand that The President of Indonesia, Abdurachman Wahid as the Chief authority of the Civil Emergency in the Moluccas to order the decree issued by the governor of the Moluccas as null and void. This decree is designed to prevent FKM form suing the Chief of Police as one of the government official masterminding the atrocities in the Moluccas. In fact FKM plan to take this man and others like Amien Rais, Generals Wiranto, Suadi Marasabessy, Sudi Silalahi, Jaja Suparman, Henri Priyono; Governor Latuconsina and the leader of the Jihad forces, Jafar Umar Thalib which is a student of Osama Bin Laden, to the international tribunal a la Nuremberg for crimes against humanity.

2. The "civil emergency" in the Moluccas must be revoked, because the Indonesian government is using this as a vehicle to justify themselves to make sure that they will be perceived by the international community as a government that adhere to the rule of law while in fact this Intolerable Act is used to terror, abuse, and intimidate the Moluccan people and using them as a scapegoat. The Indonesian government has totally lost all sense and feeling of morality and is governed by passion, cruelty, and revenge. In other words this act is designed to prevent Moluccans from exercising their civil rights as well as their right to self-determination, the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The international community must adhere to the principal that," People are bound by no law whatever they have not approved of." The TNI troops are troops of the Indonesian occupiers and the decree was issued by the occupiers . Occupiers that illegally annex our country the way Iraq annex Kuwait. The International community must demand that this illegal decree be revoked now.

3. Release Dr. Manuputty and his team without condition so they can go back to Ambon and attend the pretrial hearing on Tuesday, May 15, 2001, as well daily issues confronting the Moluccan people in general.

4. To promptly dispatch the International Peace Keeping Force to Maluku, and pressure Indonesia to pull out their military and police forces from Maluku.

5. To halt all types of international assistance toward Indonesia until Indonesia recognizes and agree to return the Moluccan sovereignty in a peaceful manner.

6. To pressure Indonesia to sit together with FKM and meet in a neutral country in order to discuss the return of the RMS sovereignty.

7. The United Nations Security Council should in a speedy manner take over the mechanism of government, so together with FKM it can formulate and to take steps that is necessary in order to have a new and effective government and steps that insure safety for the Moluccan people.

8. Indict the people responsible in the crimes and violations of human rights in Maluku since 1950 up to the present time to face justice at the international tribunal. The partial list of the alleged perpetrators are as follows:

Former president Soeharto and Habibi; the current president Abdurahman Wahid; generals Wiranto, Djaja Suparman, Suadi Marasabessy, Sudi Silalahi, Hendropriyono, Rustam Kastor, Max Tamaela, I Made Yasa, Firman Ghani, Yong Mardinal; Chairman of the People Consultive Assembly- Prof. Dr. Amien Rais; governor Saleh Latuconsina; foreign minister Alwi Shihab; Al- Chaidar, former minister of Youth & Sports, Abdul Gafur; Colonels Budiatmo & Nano Sutarno; executive members of ICMI, KISDI, and Barito Pacific group; Etty Sahuburua, chairman of Moluccan council, and last but not least the leader of the vigilante jihad forces himself, Jafar Umar Thalib, and Ustad Atamimi.


Helmi Wattimena
Chairman FKM-USA

Umar Santi
Chairman FKM-Europe

Lois Risakotta

Semmy Waileruny
Chairman of Legislative Branch FKM-Maluku

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