
Tokyo, Japan.

It was a sunny morning. The birds were chirping as they sat in their sunlit trees. There was an aura of peace and quiet in the air. Even the din of the city itself seemed to be less noisy and more orderly. Serena Tsukino, however, really didn't have the time to enjoy it now.

"SERENA GET UP!" came a yell beside her. The sleeping girl shot up from the bed in panic.

"Why did you have to do that?" She yelled rubbing her ear.

"You're late for school," the originator of the yell replied.

"! Again! I thought I had set the alarm this time! Oh..I'll be so late!" She said jumping out of bed and hurriedly dressing herself. As she was accustomed to doing this regularly, she was dressed pretty fast and she proceeded to gather up her school books and dash out of her room down the stairs.

"Typical Serena. Won't she ever change?" Luna, the black cat said watching her go.

I'm always late for school. What gives anyway? Serena thought as she ran down the street, fortunately for her there weren't any obstacles...yet.

Here I am, the greatest hero in the universe and I can't even get to school on time. That doesn't seem right at all. Miss Haruna isn't going to be happy. Not one bit. Of course maybe she'll be in a good mood. She always is when she has a date, and considering the amount of boyfriends she goes through, that's quite often. I hope that's true.

She was so caught up in her thought she didn't notice the crack in the sidewalk ahead of her and proceeded to trip falling to the ground with a small thud. She began to whine.

"Why me?" she cried and scrambled back up. Down the street she raced huffing and puffing. If she hadn't been in such a hurry she would have noticed the skateboard lying right in front of her, but she didn't. The second she stepped on it, it slid forward taking her, off balanced as she was, with it. It rolled along the sidewalk, Serena's momentum and the slight slope of the street carrying her. A large display of cans sat in front of the aluminum can shop a few feet away. She narrowly missed the stack and continued on her way. The storekeeper breathed a sigh of relief that was immediately dashed as a small ant came along and knocked one of the bottom cans out of position causing the pile to crash down onto the owner. Serena's wild ride continued. To her horror a large pile of manure loomed in front of her, a promotional idea for Manure R'Us, the feed store. There was nothing she could do but plow through it with all the fertilizer landing on her uniform dress. She let out of a cry of displeasure and tried to get off of the board. Her efforts only managed to point the thing in the direction of a nearby railing separating the street from a large muddy hill and the pond below it. She screamed as she hit and was ejected from the board. Down the hill she rolled straight into the shallow duck pond. The birds all began to quack and fly off as she sat up in the six inch water and began to cry.

"It's never been this bad before," she said and buried her face in her hands.

"Need some help," a familiar voice said holding a hand out to her. She looked up to see the friendly face of Darrien Shields standing there.

"Darrien!" She yelled in joy and took his hand. He pulled her out of the pond and she smiled.

"At least the water washed all the stuff off of my dress," the soggy teenager said.

"Sure Serena, we'd better get you to school before you're late again though," Darrien said and he lead her to the steps leading out of the embankment and too his sleek red sports car.

"Whatever you say," Serena said dreamily. Darrien was more than just a friend. He was her boyfriend. Her very close boyfriend at that.

Crossroads Junior High School was a standard issue education facility. It was painted white and contained two floors of classrooms. It was five minutes before the bell was to ring, and the last few stragglers were hurrying inside. From a window high above the ground, two figures were watching the scene.

"No Serena yet," a red headed girl said in her city accent.

"Yeah, I think she's set a record for being late," a boy with scruffy brown hair replied.

"I don't know what her problem is Melvin. She says she has that alarm clock of hers, but she never seems to use it."

"Well Molly, if she actually were doing well in school I might hypothesize that she was using her time to study and possibly was staying up so late that she just forgot. Yet, since it's a scientific fact her school record is less than exemplary, I'm forced to find other avenues of thought."

Molly paused a minute, making sure she understood each of the bigger words.

"Uh..huh.right Melvin. It is a bit of mystery isn't it?"


Several feet behind them, blue haired Amy Anderson sat at her desk reading a book quietly. Her thoughts had drifted a bit though.

Serena's going to be late again. Why can't she learn to set her clock? I hate to be critical, but if sooner or later her ditziness is going to lead to more trouble. What happens after Junior High? Things could get awfully bad for her if she doesn't shape up. Her magic powers won't help her get into college.

"Whatcha reading, Amy?" Melvin said appearing right behind her. She started slightly and turned towards him. She ignored the urge to make a sarcastic remark and merely answered the question.

"It's my Advanced Physics book," she replied.

"Oh..right. I've always found it to be a bore you know. I think some of their equations are flawed."

"You're kidding?"

"No. I've studied it in depth and my research has proven that there is a problem."

"Research? When have you had time to do research?" she asked skeptically.

"What else would I be doing?" Melvin squeaked.

Good point, Amy thought. He didn't have much of a life aside from his studying.

"It's amazing that you came up with something to counter these widely accepted ideas," she said.

"Well sure, you just have to use your imagination," Melvin replied.


"Uh..huh..I could explain it, but maybe I should give you a copy of my thirty page research paper. That explains it in detail."

"Uh..if you want to," Amy replied. She had begun to regret her pursuit of this issue. She had nothing against Melvin really, but he could be a pest sometimes. Still, just the thought of a different viewpoint on Advanced Physics appealed to her. She noticed that Serena still hadn't come into the room.

She'd better get her soon if she doesn't want to get into more trouble.

Melvin had meanwhile slinked to where Molly had sat down. He pulled out a small caterpillar from his pocket and put it on her desk.

"I forgot to give you this, here you go," he said. Molly stared at the Caterpillar. It stared back. She stared at it again. It stared back. She let out a screech.

"Get that thing away from me!" she shouted.

"Sorry," Melvin said and picked it up.

"Don't give me ugly bugs!" Molly cried and hit Melvin on the head with a book. The nerd crashed to the ground.

"Woah, I didn't mean to hit him that hard," Molly said. "Oh well."

Amy glanced at the clock and stood up. She walked over to the window to see if there was any sign of Serena. The street was empty.

She won't make it.

The door opened and Miss Haruna walked in. Noticing that Serena hadn't arrived yet she moved to the window and stood next to Amy.

"She's not here yet is she?" Haruna asked.

"No, she's not," Amy said.

"Hmm...she's one of the worst of them, but you know Amy, sometimes I think you're the only one who will ever go anywhere with her life," Haruna admitted. Surprisingly the din of classroom noise had quieted just in time to hear the remark. Miss Haruna whirled around to see the entire class staring at her. "Uh....I said sometimes," Haruna said nervously.

"I think she's coming," Amy said seeing the red sports car of Darrien's speeding up. The entire class appeared almost instantly at the window to see Serena hop out, still in slightly wet clothes. She dashed in the door quickly and raced towards the stairs.

"She's got ten seconds," Melvin said looking at the clock.

Serena sprinted down the hallway towards her classroom. The seconds ticked away. The bell rang as she was still several feet away. She stumbled in the door and collapsed.

" least she put some effort into it," Miss Haruna said.

At another school, Central Junior High, a dark haired girl slouched in her seat. She was barely awake as her teacher droned on about something she didn't understand or care about.

Why do I even have to take this class? Chemical Science. Jeez...what a bore. Oh well, it won't matter once I'm a successful singer and making millions. They'll come to see me in droves, and it won't matter what grade Raye Hino got in her junior high science class. She thought. At least I hope it won't. I mean what's Chemical Science got to do with music. I wouldn't know if it did or not since I haven't paid attention one bit this year. It couldn't have anything to do with it. Of course knowing some of the luck I've had it just will.

"Fujimori!" The teacher snapped at another student. The cry startled Raye for a second. She looked to see the target of the teacher's wrath. It was a boy in the front row. He had dark hair arranged into a pony tail swung over his right shoulder.

That's funny, I don't remember noticing him before. Of course considering how little I notice in this class, that's not surprising. She thought to herself.

As Raye saw, the teacher didn't think her first scolding of Fujimori was enough.

"What is your problem anyway? Is it me?" the teacher asked.

"Uh...are those rhetorical questions?" Fujimori asked a bit nervously. The teacher's face became redder.

"I can see that we're going to need to have a little talk. You're going to stay here after school and we can get things straight. Understand?"

Fujimori had no trouble realizing that question was not rhetorical and answered.


"Good, now as I was saying..."

The bell rung.

"Figures. Every time I get on a roll, the bell rings. You kids never get to realize the passion of science." the teacher said in disgust as everyone got up to leave. Fujimori took his time getting his things together. As he headed for the door, Raye fell in beside him. She wasn't one to be cautious when she was interested in a boy.

"Passion of science my butt," Fujimori was saying.

"Tough day huh?" Raye asked.

"Uh..yeah," Fujimori replied, a bit surprised at Raye's incursion.

"I don't think we've met, I'm..." Raye began.

"Raye Hino, yeah I know. I saw you in the talent show," Fujimori said apathetically.

"Really? What'd you think?" Raye asked.

"Not bad," he replied equally apathetically.

Hmm...ambiguous response. Raye thought.

"You have a first name. Right Fujimori?" She asked.

"Of course I do," he replied condescendingly. "Rick."

"Oh..nice name," She said for the lack of anything else

coming to mind.

"I like to think so," he said and walked off leaving Raye to stand in the doorway.

He's cute. She thought.

She's trouble. Rick thought and sighed.

Several blocks away, at Highpark Junior High another chance encounter was taking place.

Mina Deveraux rounded the corner quickly, she always had trouble making it on time to her next class and was forced to rush. Unfortunately today there was an impediment in her way. She didn't see the blonde haired boy until it was too late. The impact of the collision knocked both of them to the ground.

"I'm so sorry. Oh I'm such an idiot," Mina was saying as she rubbed her head and picked herself and her books up.

"It's all right," the boy replied. "Let me help you with that," he said and grabbed one of her books off the floor.

"Uh..thanks," she said taking it. The bell rung signaling that they were both late.

"Oh no, I guess I made us late," Mina said embarrassedly.

"Don't worry about it," the boy replied. "That'll teach me to walk down the hall," he said with a grin.

Mina couldn't help, but grin back.

"I'd better get to class," she said.

"Sure," he said, "Oh....I'm Mike," he said.

"Mina," she said and the two hurried in opposite directions.

Is this how relationships begin? She thought hopefully.

Back at Crossroads Junior High.

Lita Nelson found her mind drifting during History class. Unlike her other classes, she liked History, but today the topic just wasn't interesting. She didn't want to hear about textiles. No one did. Someone must have thought it was important. Probably someone without a wife who lived in a house filled with books on textiles. Someone who just happened to write the history books. Yeah someone like that. She thought. So now they were being lectured about it. Lita glanced beside her at Amy. The girl genius was taking copious notes as the teacher continued on.

How does she do it? Lita thought. I mean I know it's Amy, but even this has got to be tedious for her. Of course she is the best student in the school. Even she's human though. Lita's boredom continued and she began to look around the room. Everyone seemed to be doing something to try and keep themselves busy. Doodles covered half of the student's note pages. The other half seemed to be day dreaming. One pad of paper caught her eye though. The boy in front of Amy had been sketching a complex city scape on his paper. It was beautiful. She couldn't believe how good it was. She continued to watch it, and her curiosity rose. She wanted to know where the boy had gotten so much talent and what gave him his ideas.

She took a chance as the teacher was writing something on the board and reached over, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned around quickly as if expecting an attack of some kind.

"Hey. Calm down," Lita whispered. "That's a nice picture," she said.

"Thanks," the boy replied.

"Uh..where'd you learn to draw so well?"

"Nowhere. It's pure talent," he replied.

"Hey you two!" the teacher yelled noticing the two conversing. Steve whirled around to face the board again and in the process revealed his picture to the teacher's glare.

"What is that Steve?" the teacher asked and moved out from behind his desk towards the drawer. The well built boy tensed a bit as the teacher came even closer.

He'll make me stay after for sure now. Steve thought. Lita tensed.

The teacher walked up and grabbed the paper.

"So this is your notes huh? Perhaps you don't know what this class is." The teacher said. "Come by after school and I'll clear up any confusion," he said and tore up the drawing. Lita slouched in the chair embarrassedly. She hadn't meant to get him in trouble. Way to go Lita. She thought. Cutest guy you've met in a long time and you get him into trouble. Woo hoo.

Meanwhile, A strange conference was taking place in the Principal's office. The somewhat portly and short Principal Oksua sat behind his desk as the extemely tall and skinny blonde man walked in the door.

"Take a seat," Oksua said. The man did so.

"I've read your report. Are you sure about this?" the principal asked.

"As school psychologist it's my job to be sure. I'm sure about this. Two weeks ago, he changed entirely. He seems calm and relaxed and shows little to no violent tendencies, at least any more than usual. As far as I can tell he's become just as normal as any other teenager," the man replied.

"As if teenagers were normal to begin with," Oksua muttered.

"The fact is there's no point in keeping him in that classroom. He needs to be taught in the normal track. For some strange reason during all of this he's been self teaching himself several subjects. Now is the time to inject him back into the school community."

"If you're wrong..."

"If I'm wrong, then I am, but he's earned his chance. You haven't seen him Mr. Oksua. He's changed. I don't know what did it, but he's not the person we had so much trouble with before. I promise you that."

"All right. All right. I'll come by to see him tomorrow. If what your saying appears to be true. He'll begin his normal classes the next day. I'll put him in Haruna's home room."

"Is that wise?"

"You said he was fine didn't you?"

"Well sure he is, but I'm more worried about Haruna. She'll think the school's trying to get rid of her again."

Oksua laughed.

"That would be funny. I hadn't even thought of that. That gives me more incentive to do it. It's hilarious to watch when she get's angry," the principal said.

" I understand what the faculty's been saying about you," the psychologist muttered to himself.

"What was that?" Oksua asked.

"Nothing," the psychologist said. "I'll be going now. He'll be glad to hear the news."

"Let's hope so," Oksua said.

Lunch came to the relief of all of the junior high students. Now was their time to relax. Central, Highpark, and Crossroads were all in walking distance of each other. Crossroads was about halfway between the two other schools and so it was common for friends to congregate there. The school now had a new outdoor lunch plaza filled with tables and chairs, enough to fit hundreds of students into it if necessary. Lita, Amy, and Serena all arrived at their lunch table quickly, since it was only a walk out the door to get there. Mina and Raye arrived ten minutes later. The five had been friends for some time now.

"Well...guess who's staying after school today?" Mina said dejectedly as she sat down.

"Aside from Serena you mean," Raye said snidely as she arrived simultaneously.

Serena made a dissatisfied face.

"I've had a real bad day...." she muttered. Raye merely stuck her tongue out in reply.

"I was late to class," Mina said. "I bumped into this really nice guy and well I just couldn't make it in time."

"Nice guy huh? That's not too bad. I managed to get a guy kept after school myself. Though I doubt he'll be too nice," Lita said.

" two have been busy haven't you?" Amy asked.

"Ehh..I found out this guy was in my class today," Raye added.

"What is with you guys? You've all spend the morning finding guys to have crushes on!" Serena said annoyedly.

" happens...hey it happens..." Raye said. "You're just bitter because Darrien's leaving tonight."

"I am not...I'm just feeling so well," Serena snapped.

"So what is this new found guy of your's like?" Mina asked.

"Well you'd have to see him, but he's just so...well he's like what I would be like if I were a guy," Raye said.

"That conjures some very disturbing thoughts up in my mind," Lita muttered.

"So have you actually talked to him Raye?" Mina asked.

"Sure I have. What's that question supposed to mean?" Raye replied indignantly

"Well..I know you have a habit of jumping to conclusions without much proof," Mina said.

"I don't know what you're talking about Mina, that sounds like Serena. Not me." Raye growled.

"Hey! Why are you always picking on me Raye!" Serena yelled and flung a piece of Jell-O at the black haired girl. Raye dodged it and countered with her own attack consisting of a pair of grapes which hit Serena in the forehead and bounced off landing on the ground.

"Take that! Hah!" Raye shouted loud enough for the entire plaza to hear. Her joy was short lived from a volley of a mustard container landing right on her face.

"I have not yet begun to fight!" Serena yelled...her ire rising.

"'ll pay for that!" Raye shouted grabbing a container of ketchup.

"Don't start arguing again," Amy snapped. "You're not making yourselves' look any better by doing this."

"Amy's right," Lita said. Mina nodded.

"Fine, I still think Raye should be nicer to me," she muttered.

"So when does Darrien's flight leave?" Lita asked.

"Five thirty," Serena said. "I still don't see why Darrien has to go all the way to San Francisco for some stupid thing."

"It's not a stupid thing Serena. He got a call from a friend he hadn't heard from in years who he thought was dead. Sometimes you can't see farther the end of your own nose," Raye said.

"Raye, you're so mean to me," Serena whined again.

"I am not. I'm just telling you the truth," Raye said.

"Don't you two start again," Mina said.

"It's not my fault, it's just instinctual," Raye said.

"How am I supposed to feel about this? Happy. Every time, I get close to Darrien, something pulls up apart. I thought I had him this time. Now he's gone again," Serena said quietly

"We know how you feel Serena, but think how Darrien feels, he really hasn't had that many friends and whoever this is well..It'll work out. Trust me," Lita said consolingly to Serena.

"You think so?" Serena asked.

"We know so," the other four said.

"So we're meeting at Raye's after school right?" Amy asked.

"Yep," Lita said.

"I'll be late," Mina said.

"Me too," Serena muttered referring to her late detention.

" may take me a few minutes to get there too," Lita said.

"Why?" Raye asked.

"Well, I've just got a couple of things to do," Lita said defensively.

"I guess it'll just be you and me Amy, for a little while anyway," Raye said.

Amy nodded.

The five all thought about the past and how they had come together. Their friendship had been forged because of necessity at first which had gradually expanded into what it was now. The five's alter egos had brought them together. They were the Sailor Scouts, the five people solely responsible for protecting the Earth for over a year from various evil forces mainly from the Negaverse. It had begun with the unlikely hero Serena. As it had turned out her cat Luna had started talking to her and had filled her in on her power. Serena had gone literally overnight from being a klutzy ditzy teenager to being the klutzy ditzy superhero Sailor Moon. Despite her weaknesses she had managed and had shown a sometimes unswerving devotion to her job. Along the way she had met Amy and after almost bungling their friendship the two had discovered each other's alter ego. Amy turned out to be Sailor Mercury. Unlike her friend, Amy was a incredibly intelligent, well motivated, and calm in almost every situation. In the rare situations in which Amy did get angry, bad things happened. It wasn't long after that that Raye, Sailor Mars, whose fiery powers matched her personality, was discovered. Serena had managed to set off their friendship on a bad note as well and the two had never really seen eye to eye except in a few situations. Lita transferred into crossroads about a month after the first battle with the negaverse. It took a day for Serena to learn that Lita was Sailor Jupiter and the two had managed to actually start their friendship off right and it stayed steady. In fact while Amy was definitely Serena's closest friend. Lita ran a close second. Mina was a bit of an enigma. She had arrived under a different set of circumstances along with her cat companion Artemas. Sailor Venus had quickly been accepted into the group, but the independence she had learned to deal with for most of her life still lead her to sometimes do things alone.

The Sailor Scouts transformed using various objects. Serena used a crystal enclosed inside the brooch she always wore. The other four used power sticks, which were golden rods that were activated when any of the scouts held them up and said yelled their planet name followed by the words "star power" Once transformed they became taller and because of the mystical powers involved were unrecognizable to anyone. The only way to really know someone was a Sailor Scout was to transform. Once that was done, someone could see through the power and recognize them. This allowed the scouts to keep their original appearance, but not have anyone recognize their human forms. Each scout also possesed an energy attack that they used when necessary. Each power was summoned by the scout yelling its name. Serena had other powers. She possesed a scepter capable of great destruction depending on its target. She also had a pen that could disguise her as anything as well as give her the skills of that occupation, for a short time period. Finally, the scouts possessed communicators, two sets of them. One of them they wore on their wrists, when they could be hidden from view. The others were pocket sized for when they couldn't hide the wrist communicators. In addition, Amy had a pocket computer that was capable of interfacing with any other electronic device and had an infinite memory as well.

While the negaverse threat seemed to be gone, the five scouts had no idea that their battle was not yet over nor had any of them.

At another table Rick, Mike, and Steve...sat eating their lunches and shooting the breeze.

"You know guys....all girls think about is us..." Rick said.

"I hear you," Steve said obviously reflecting on his encounter with Lita.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Mike asked.

"It's not always, know how they are...they get a crush on you...and then...they're everywhere you are...." Rick said.

"Exactly. They can't keep their hands to themselves..." Steve said.

"I don't mind that kind of attention," Mike said.

"But think about it. When girls get into their mode, they do it openly, following guys around, stumbling into know...girl stuff. When guys get a crush...we hide in bushes...follow know...stalk...but at least she doesn't know we're there. We're being nice," Rick said.

"Right....we don't bother them..we just admire them," Steve said.

"You two have some strange ideas...but you make a good point. How is it us guys are just so civil about things?" Mike asked.

"It must be in the Y chromosome," Rick said. The other two looked at him.

"You two don't know what it is do you?" He asked.

The other two shook their heads.

"Okay...first there's a mommy and then there's a daddy and they love each other very much..." Rick began.

As the final bell rang, Serena found herself dejectedly heading up towards Miss Haruna's room to serve out her detention. Along the way she ran into Amy who was headed the other way.

"Hey, Amy. I'm off to serve my time again," Serena muttered.

"Sorry, Serena," Amy said. Serena noticed that they had stopped in front of the classroom with tinted windows. Room 7. She had always wondered what went on behind there.

"Say..Any idea what's in there?" She asked pointing at the door.

"I don't have a clue," Amy replied.

"I think I know," Melvin said appearing unexpectedly beside the too. Serena was startled.

"Don't do that!" Serena yelled.

"Sorry. From what I hear that's the room where they keep some of the special education students. There's only one right now. I hear he's partially crazy. They're afraid to put him in with everyone else," Melvin said.

"Where did you hear this?" Amy asked skeptically.

"I have my ways," Melvin said. Melvin made it a point to make up a full report on everyone in the school. Usually his information was accurate, but he had a bad habit of gossiping too. He would do anything to get girls to talk to him.

"So that's some nut's classroom," Serena said.

"Serena...don't be so unsympathetic," Amy said.

"I heard rumors about him, he's very....." Melvin began.

To the three's surprise the door swung open quickly. A mid sized boy with long dark hair, roughly arranged, emerged from the room. He had a huge scowl on his face. The three froze as he walked out. Upon seeing them, the boy turned towards Melvin trying his best not to catch either of the girls in his eye.

"Melvin, lay off the gossip. It's not healthy. It'll get you into trouble some day. Like if I was to get angry and twist your head off, throw it into the air, and spike it like a volleyball. Your gossip has had it's consequences," the boy said and walked off.

"Woah..he is nuts," Serena said.

"Not necessarily," Amy said letting her analytical mind take over. "His reaction is hardly that of a crazy person. In fact it seems quite normal for someone angry. I mean he is only our age, he's probably just exaggerating. Maybe you should lay off the gossip Melvin."

"Maybe I'd better, at least when he's around," Melvin said and walked off in the opposite direction.

"What did that all mean Amy?" Serena asked confusedly.

"I don't know yet Serena, but my instincts tell me something's up," Amy said.

"Well I'd better get to my detention before Haruna throws a fit," Serena said and headed off towards her room. Amy watched her go and what had just happened got her thinking.

Consequences? The only time I remember hearing that Melvin's gossip had any consequences was when me and Serena first met. It would seem to fit considering the circumstances. Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but I don't know. If he did mean that, how did he know about us? What about Melvin's story too? Why would he be in that room alone? This is intriguing. She thought.

Coardite appeared in an aura of green energy. He looked around at his surroundings, a dark dank chamber carved out of a cavern.

"Hmm...not great, but it will do," he muttered.

I've finished my preliminary scouting report. Now to bring the rest of my force. He thought as he threw his hands into the air and began to concentrate. Within a few seconds a huge mass of energy appeared in front of him. A few more seconds after that, a large group of soldiers appeared in front of him. They were of various shapes and species, but their purpose was clear. To serve Coardite, their commander. He waited a moment before speaking.

"Here we are," he said. "Earth. This is the planet that has resisted the attacks of our Queen Beryl and has prevented our further expansion. We will however collect enough energy to open a portal in which the armies of the negaverse may come through and conquer this planet once and for all!"

The soldiers all growled in approval, whether they believed it or not.

"Now...there is a problem we must get rid of. The problem that has kept us from seizing the world. That group of pests, the Sailor Scouts!"

The soldiers growled again. This time in scorn of their enemies.

"We must not only take energy, but we must destroy them as well. I predict this to be an easy task. With them out of the way, we'll be free to collect as much energy as we wish. Here's my plan."

He held out his hand and waved it in the air. A projection appeared, floating there. It was of a school.

"From what intelligence we've collected, I've been doing some research. This building right here is one of the human's schools. Since we know the Sailor Scouts are nothing more than children, I figure the way to draw them out is to attack the source. The problem I foresee is that there are several schools they could be attending in their human forms, but I surveyed several of them today and I sensed the scouts energy at this location. Now is the time when we'll destroy them!"