SAILOR MOON AR:The Kisenian Flower.

The car sped along the mountain highway, in the dark night.

"Slow down Arthur," Mrs. Regina Shields said.

"I'm fine," Arthur Shields said as he grasped the wheel. The car raced into a sharp turn, and spun out slamming through the guardrail. Mrs. Shields let out a scream as the car plummeted downward. That scream was the last sound, Darrien Shields before it crashed into the ground.

Tokyo General Hospital, a week later.

"Well Darrien, it looks like you're going to make a full recovery," Doctor Jonathan Anderson said walking into the room.

"Who am I?" Darrien asked.

"I told you yesterday Darrien," Dr. Anderson said, not with impatience, but consolingly.

"I know my name, but who am I?" Darrien asked.

"Hmm...well I only know your name..where you live...who your parents were. I'm afraid the rest is up to you," Dr. Anderson said. "I'll be back to check on you in a while," he said and walked out.

Darrien lay there in the hospital bed and starred up at the ceiling.

Who am I? He thought.

"Hello," Came a voice. He turned to see a young boy standing there. He had pink hair and a greenish skin color that Darrien had never seen before.

"Who are you?" Darrien asked.

"I'm Fiore? You?" the boy said.

"Uh...they call me Darrien, but that's all I know," Darrien said.

"I see, look hurt. Are you okay?"

"I guess I am," Darrien said and shrugged.

"That's good. want to be my friend?"

"Uh...sure," Darrien said.

"Great....well..I've gotta go," Fiore said.

"Wait," Darrien said.

"What is it?" Fiore asked. Darrien reached over to a vase filled with flowers next to him and pulled out a long stemmed rose. He handed it to Fiore.

"Be careful, the stem is sharp," Darrien said.

"I can see that," Fiore said taking it. "What is it?"

"It's a rose," Darrien said.

"Ah...a rose. Thank you," Fiore said.

"You're welcome," Darrien said. Fiore then turned and walked out the door.

What a strange boy. Darrien thought.

Ten years later.

Mina Deveraux walked down one of London's many streets, in her maroon school uniform. England was very different from Tokyo where she had grown up, but despite the geographic distance between the two countries as well as the massive culture difference...There she was..still in a school uniform. On her walk home from that day's classes she passed a park she hadn't noticed before and was drawn inside by it's beauty.

It was filled with types of flowers she had never encountered, others she'd recognized, but they were all equally beautiful.

"I wonder why I haven't noticed this place before," She asked herself.

She noticed another figure amongst the people walking through the park. He was tall, with a peculiar black hairstyle. His skin was very pale.

He seems to be studying each flower as if searching for the perfect one. Mina thought watching the man's actions. Then her imagination took over. He must be looking for one for his true love. How romantic. How nice it would be for him to be in love with me. To have a guy who will search for perfection for me.

She heard a clock chiming in the distance, reminding her of the time.

I've gotta go. She thought and hurried off taking no notice of the white cat following after her.

So many flowers. Fiore thought searching each one of them.

Each are beautiful, but none are perfect. I can accept now less than perfection. He thought. Where will I find such a flower? There must be one on this planet.

"Ehh..what ya doing sonny?" came a voice next to him. Fiore turned to see an old man in a pair of coveralls standing there.

"I am searching for the perfect flower. Where might I find it?" Fiore asked.

"The perfect flower ehh? Well...aren't they all pretty perfect..well at least they are to me, you know, I've worked with these things all my life."

"You did you get such a prestigious job?"

"Prestigious? I don't know if being a groundskeeper is very prestigous."

"But to work with these flowers every day, it must be a wonderful experience."

"Well...yeah, but you should see my house...maybe someday, I can afford to fix that pipe."


"Yeah it's just the sewage pipe from the floor broke about ten years ago..and well..needless to say when a toilet flushes I have to be careful where I stand. In fact, the whole neighborhood has to be careful where they stand."

"Uh..okay.." Fiore said not understanding.

" this flower for a sweetheart?"


" know, someone you care for very much."

"Well..I guess you could say that..yes..."

"Ah I see, young love...I used to be in love..but that was during the war, I couldn't believe the French surrendered and all..but there was this's your sweethearts name anyway?"

"Darrien," Fiore said.

"Well..that's a cute name...wait a minute...." the groundskeeper said. "I gotta go..fertilizer to spread you know!" he said and hurried off. "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"

"Humans are strange creatures," Fiore muttered.

On a hillside on the outside of London, a figure stood,so to speak, in the mist. She possesed a human torso and head, but her entire bottom half consisted of a large flower held up by spiderlike legs.

"So this is Earth," she said with a snarl. Several egg shaped objects formed in the air around her as she called forth her powers. The egg began to flash with energy and expand forming similar shaped flower creatures to herself. They stood around her.

The Kisenian Flower's eyes narrowed as she looked for her first target.

"Now we attack," she said.

Mina hurried back along the street towards the park following a stop at home to change and make sure there was nothing her mother wanted her to do. She wasn't in the habit of running off and not telling her parents where she was going. At least not yet anyway. It was a nice day and she intended to enjoy it. She walked back into the park again and to her surprise found the same figure she had seen before studying a different patch of flowers.

He's still here. She thought. Maybe I should talk to him? No..he could be one of those weirdos. I'd better keep my distance. Letting her mind drift off the stranger, she became enamored by a group of pink flowers sitting in a patch by a pond. She bent down and sniffed on. It was a nice smell.

"Hmm....those are nice," Came a voice from behind her. Startled, she whirled around to see the mysterious figure standing there.

"Hello," the figure said.

"Uh...hi," Mina said a bit frightened.

"They are nice flowers, but they are not perfect," he said.

"What? Why are you searching for the perfect flower?" Mina asked.

"I have to give it to someone."

"Oh...I thought so," Mina said. "These flowers are as perfect as they get around here."

"Do you really mean it?" the man asked.

"Uh..yeah..." Mina said.

"Then my quest may be in vain," the man said solemly conveying to Mina a seriousness she hadn't expected.

"Quest? It's just finding some flowers?" she replied.

"Not some. One. The most perfect one on this planet. I must find it," he said with determination.

"If you say so," Mina said now a bit concerned that maybe he was a weirdo.

"You...uh....what is your name?" he asked more cordially.

"Mina," Mina replied.

"Mina. That is a beautiful name."

"Uh thank you," Mina said blushing.

"I am Fiore," he said.

"I see. That's nice too," she said and their eyes met.

"I'm sorry...I must not keep my task waiting any longer, there must be a perfect flower somewhere," Fiore said and walked off.

"Oh...sure," Mina said awestruck as he resumed his task. She stared at him dreamily, a crush firmly set in, the only thing that could have broken her stare would have been a major crisis, such as an explosion, and as it happened, something very close to it occured. A group of large flowers appeared in the street and began attacking people at random. The screams of the people broke Mina out of her trance. She noticed Fiore turn and look for the source of the chaos. The flowers were using their long snakelike arms to hit people with. One hit from an arm and the person collapsed.

"That's right," their leader said. "Inject them with the venom so that we can collect their energy when they are helpless," she said.

"What's going on?" Mina shouted in fear. A flower arm shot over towards her. She screamed. The arm never hit. The flower's arm had been intercepted by a large plantlike vine covered with thorns. It had cut threw the flower's arm and cut it off at the source. To Mina's shock the thorn covered thorn had been Fiore's right arm. Now it was all plant.

Mina screamed again in fright.

Fiore jumped in front of her.

"Do not worry, I will protect you," he said. Another flower arm came flying at them. Fiore knocked it away with his left arm which had also had become spiked and green. His right arm shot out and slammed into the attacking flower. The enemy disentegrated into a pile of dust.Mina looked on in shock at the entire scene. Another flower flung it's arms at Fiore. He destroyed it as well

"What is happening over there," The Kisenian Flower said as she saw two of her warriors destroyed. She scuttled over towards the scene and saw Fiore fighting off her forces.

"How dare you challenge the Kisenian Flower!" She shouted and threw her own arm at him. He saw it and reverting his arm back to normal grabbed Mina and leapt into the air. The arm missed both of them. Fiore landed awkwardly a few feet away and barely avoided dropping Mina.

"Stay behind this tree," he said pointing a nearby oak. Mina still stunned, nodded.

"Get him!" the Kisenian Flower yelled. Her warriors stopped there other attacks and advanced slowly on Fiore.

"He can't fight them all," Mina said as the warriors moved in.

"No, he can't, but you can help," came a voice behind her. She turned. No one was standing there.

"Down here. I said that," the voice said. She looked down to see a white cat sitting there with a cresecent moon emblazoned on it's forehead.

"'re.....a cat," Mina said. "A"

"So I've been told," the cat said. "Never mind that. Take this," he said and motioned to a golden pen shaped object sitting below him.

"What is it?" Mina asked.

"There's no time for questions. Hurry and pick it up. Say Venus Power," he said.

"What?" Mina asked in complete disbelief.

"Do it!" the cat said urgently.

"Uh..okay, I mean after all..that guy just turned into a plant..and he's fighting a bunch of killer flowers," Mina said picked the stick up willing to believe anything. "Venus Power!" she shouted. To her complete amazement she began to transform. Her clothes were replaced by a white leotard, an orange skirt, and a pair of orange shoes. A tiara slid across her forehead. She emerged from the transformation as Sailor Venus, though she didn't know that quite yet.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I'll explain later," the cat said.

Fiore blasted another flower, and barely avoided becoming the victim of an attack.

"Just aim at one of those flowers and say Venus Crescent Beam Smash," the cat said.

"If you say so," she said. "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" She shouted. The golden blast shot out from her hands and flew at the Kisenian Flower herself. It smashed into to her chest and caused her to scream.

"Who dares!" The Flower shouted and looked to see Venus standing there.

"I didn't say target their leader," the cat said worriedly.

"Woah, sorry," Venus said embarrased.

"Look out!" the cat yelled. The leader's two arms were flying at her. She screamed. Fiore jumped in front of her and pushed her to the ground. The two arms hit him in various places. He let out a yell and sank to one knee.

"The venom should get him now," The Kisenian flower said. Fiore flung his arms out and destroyed two more flowers.

"What?" TheFflower shouted.

"I'm stronger than you expect," Fiore, said standing up.

"Quick! Use your power again," the cat said.

"Uh...right," Venus said and aimed for one of the weaker flowers.

"Venus Crescent Beam Smash!" She yelled and blew the flower apart.

"What?" the Kisenian flower said.

Fiore destroyed another flower. The Kisenian Flower herself attacked and knocked him down with her own hands again then looked at Venus who looked at her worriedly.

" have interfered enough," The flower said and advanced. Venus backed up.

The flower readied herself and then stopped suddenly. One of Fiore's arms was embedded in one of her legs.

"You!" she said and whirled around. Her few remaining warriors jumped at Fiore. He destroyed one with his other arm, but two more hit him with their venom, he began to sink to the ground.

"Oh, no," Venus gasped.

"Do something!" the cat shouted.

"Uh...right. Venus Crescent Beam Smash!"

She threw one of her attacks out and smashed another flower to pieces. Fiore managed to destroy the last one before falling to the ground unconcious. Venus smiled for a brief second before she realized that the Kisenian Flower was still ready to attack. She swept away Fiore's limp hand from her leg and stared at Venus.

"Now there's only you," she said.

A rose flew through the air and slammed into the flower's chest. She screamed in pain. Both her and Venus looked up to see a man on a nearby rooftop dressed in a tuxedo and a top hat. A white mask covered his eyes.

"Flowers are beautiful things. How dare you take disgrace them with your actions," the figure said.

"And who are you?" The flower shouted.

"I am Tuxedo Mask. Leave this place now!" the man replied.

"I have grown tired of fighting you...but I will return," The Kisenian flower said and grabbing Fiore with her arms vanished.

"Fiore!" Venus shouted.

"Fiore?" Tuxedo Mask said in surprise. The surprise was only momentary. The cloaked figure turned away quickly and headed back the way he came.

With the battle over, Venus had time to catch her breath and think about it all.

"Okay..let's review..flower creatures attacking. Guy I think is just a guy..turns into a thorny handed weirdo. Though a cute one at that...and then I get this short skirt and fire off blasts of energy..oh..and there's a guy who wears a tuxedo throwing roses off of rooftops.....did I get it all?" Venus said.

"I think so," the cat said.

"" she said calmly. "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!" She screeched.

"Calm down, I'll explain it all to you," the cat said. "You should be remembering some things right now that will help you comprehend this, but let me make this clear to you. My name is Artemas and I've been searching for you. You are Sailor Venus, it's your job to protect this planet. And for the first time you didn't do a bad job."

"I'm beginning to understand..I think...I was a warrior in the past?" Venus asked.

"Yes, you helped protect the moon kingdom."

"The moon kingdom..yes..I'm beginning to see it. But who were we fighting?"

"I don't know, and that worries me."

"It worries you? How do you think I feel?" Venus asked.

Two Years Later. Tokyo, Japan.

It was a very sunny day, and summer was just beginning. On this particular afternoon, students all across the city had been finishing up their high school entrance exams. Including a group of five girls who were all relieved to have the tough tests behind them.

"Finally, those entrance exams are over," Serena said.

"How do you think you did?" Lita asked.

"Terrible," Serena moaned.

"Me too," Lita muttered.

"It wasn't our fault though, we were fighting the negaverse up to a couple of weeks ago," Raye said.

"Yeah, we even tried studying everyday," Mina said.

"Maybe if you were paying attention all year it would have been easier," Amy replied.

"Maybe," the other four muttered and lowered their heads in embarrasment.

"Hey girls!" Mike said rounding the corner with Rick and Steve.

"We just finished failing our exams and are ready to party," he continued.

"Failing an exam is nothing to celebrate," Amy said.

"He's kidding Amy," Raye said.

"I know that," Amy replied. "But I just thought I'd make the point anyway."

"So what do we do now?" Lita asked.

"I didn't sleep well last night. I'm going home to rest," Mina said.

"Maybe I can call you later?" Mike asked.

"Sure, tonight," Mina said.

"Fine," Mike said.

Mina walked off.

"I've got to find Darrien. I haven't been on a date with him in a while. See you guys later," Serena said and dashed down the street.

"She's in a hurry," Lita said.

"With all the studying we've been doing she hasn't seen Darrien in a week," Amy said.

"Raye..I think we have to talk," Rick whispered.

"Oh...right," Raye said apprehensively and the two headed for her place.

"Hmm..Lita...I want to show you something," Steve said a bit nervously.

"Really? Okay," Lita said. And that couple walked off leaving Amy and Mike standing there.

"Well....I guess I'd better get home," Mike said. "After all, what else am I supposed to do?"

"You could walk me home," Amy said.

"Why? I's not that I wouldn't enjoy it, but usually girls use mace when I offer to walk them home, and in some extreme cases they use a mace to get rid of me."

Amy grinned.

"Well I'm just curious. I haven't had a chance to talk to any of you boys really that much?"

"Oh..well we're nothing special..but sure I'll walk you home..." Mike said.

And the two headed off towards Amy's house.

In space high above an asteroid floated towards the Earth. In small cavernous room inside it stood the Kisenian Flower. She pressed a few buttons on the ship's controls and a projection of the planet appeared on a circular viewscreen. She managed a grin.

"Once I was defeated here. The second time I will succeed. Isn't that right Fiore?" she asked. Fiore emerged from the shadows wearing an emaculate white uniform covered with plantlike designs. and wearing a dark cloak.

"Yes, you will succeed," he said.

"It's been awhile, but the power I had is nothing compared to my power now. This should be easy."

"Can I ask you something mistress?" Fiore asked.

"What?" the Flower replied.

"Why Earth mistress? Why is this your goal?"

"Feeling sentimental?"

"No, just curious," Fiore lied.

" see...what few know is that Earth possesses massive amounts of power."

"The planet itself?"

"That's what I understand. You see..I've lived for a long time, just drifting throughout the stars. I have heard many stories. There are few cultures that don't know of the Moon Kingdom."

"The Moon Kingdom. But the Moon Kingdom did not rule Earth."

"That was true Fiore. Earth remained independent. But you see..the only the reason it was independent was because of it's power. The other planets banded toghether for strength. Earth had no need of it," The Flower said.

"I see..but..I still don't understand."

"Very well, I shall tell you more. The Earth for a time was ruled by King Diamond. He was a loyal king to his people, and he knew very well what power the Earth had. He began to try and bring the power of Earth out. Some say he had almost discovered it, others say he had, but hadn't had the chance to use it. You see..Queen Serenity learned of what he was doing, and the King and his followers were quietly exiled."

"But what power did Queen Serenity have over the King or his people?"

"I do not know..but somehow...this all happened. Diamond and his people ended up somewhere...I believe it was called the Dark Moon, or the Nega Moon...I don't know..but you see...Queen Serenity was so afraid of this power falling into Diamond's hands she made sure he could not search for it."

"But why would Queen Serenity resort to such tactics? I have heard that she was a very kind Queen?"

"That she might have been, but kindness has many forms. Don't you see it Fiore? She knew of the power..she knew that no human could handle it. But I will find it. And the first step is to occupy this planet."

"Yes mistress," Fiore said obediently.

"There are still preparations to be made," the Flower said. "We attack soon."

"Yes mistress," Fiore said bowing, he made his best effort to make sure the Flower did not see the grimace forming on his face.

"Darrien! Are you home!" Serena shouted knocking on the door. The door opened.

"Yes, I'm here," he said. "You didn't have to yell," he said.

"Sure I did! I'm happy to see you. I just finished my exams, so now I've got all summer to be with you!" she said.

"That's great Serena," Darrien said drowsily.

"Aren't you excited?"

"Yes, I'm just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Oh..then I should let you rest then," Serena said retreating. "I can come back later."

"I'd appreciate it, I mean I'd love to see you, but I am tired," Darrien said with a smile.

"Okay! See ya later," Serena said hiding her disapointment with a cheerfull smile. The door shut.

Serena dropped her head and moaned.

"Why couldn't I have just been selfish then? Jeez...I am all the other times," she muttered and walked off.

Mina was slowly walking down the street trying to understand where she was. A thick fog floated around her. A bell rang.

"Where am I?" she asked herself. The fog cleared slightly so she could make out the outlines of buildings.

"This looks like London. But what I am I doing back here?"

"I wonder that myself." came a voice behind her. She turned to see Tuxedo Mask standing there.

"Tuxedo Mask? Why..."

"I don't know...I wonder the same thing of you. What has brought you back here?"

"I wish I knew," Mina said.

"I can tell you," came a third voice.

"That sounds...familiar..somehow.." Mina said.

"I...don't remember it that clearly..but you're seems..." Tuxedo Mask said.

"Who are you?" Mina asked.

"The Flower," the voice replied.

"What?" Mina and Tuxedo Mask said both said.

"The flower, I have sought it, and I have found it, and it is here," the voice replied.

"What flower?" Tuxedo Mask asked.

"The perfect one," the voice replied.

The fog lifted. They both stood in the park in London surrounded by the flowers. Around them the city of London was fading in and out, replaced by what looked like Tokyo.

"This...what is all this?" Mina asked.

"Who are you?" Tuxedo Mask said.

"I am Fiore," The voice replied and the park began to erupt, flowers were blown across the air, fires rippled through the buildings still fading in and out. The ground seemed to fall away, Mina dropped surrounded by burnt petals.

She awoke suddenly and gasped.

"Mina? Are you all right?" Artemas asked sitting on her window still.

"No," Mina said and hurried out of bed. Soon she was out her door too and off into the city.

"Where is she going?" Artemas asked himself in surprise.