Helpful Struts Tutorial For Beginners
July 31 2003


Best Simple Struts Tutorial I Have Found:
Part 1: "Your First Struts Application"
Part 2: "Manage Control Flow in Struts Apps"
Part 3: "Move Onward and Upward With ActionForward"
Part 4: "Build Classier Struts Apps With ActionMapping"
Part 5: "Strut an ActionForm for All to See"
Part 6: "Grace Under Errors"

Addition Struts Related Content from Same Author:
"Develop Faster With Tag Libraries"

Budi Kurniawan is the author of all of these articles and I believe they are a good starting point for getting started with the struts technology. They tell you just what you need to know to get an application up and running. The application assume that you have an environment set up already. The next set of links will be a collection of links for getting an environment created on NT using Tomacat, Eclipse, the tomcat plugin for Eclipse and a Struts Plugin for Eclipse. I would strongly recommend NOT using the Struts Plug-In until you have an understanding of how the struts config file works. I believe it is better to know how to add and subtract before you start using a calculator!