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Ahmed Saad ElDawy

I am a computer engineer graduated in 2005 at Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, department of Systems and Computer Engineering.

I like programming very much and I learnt many high/low level programming languages. I know BASIC, Pascal, Java, C/C++/C#, Assembly and many other languages. I started programming BASIC and Assembly for the MSX AX170. After that I switched to the PC programming and entered a new different world.

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I am not such a programmer, I learnt at my department how to be a software engineer. At the computer department we take many software courses like Data Structures, File Strucutres, Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming. We also take advanced courses such as Database Mangagement Systems, Operating Systems, Compilers. These courses help us to be Systems Engineers.

The hardware part is also considred. At the computer department I took many hardware courses. I learnt Digital Design (3 courses), Computer Architecture, Automatic Control (3 courses), DSP and others. Though I love software much more, I am also very good at hardware and like it too.

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Career history

10 November 2005 -> Now: Military
Till now I am doing my military drift. I am working also in computer systems and I am expecting to finish soon. Of course I can't tell any information about my work as this is classified.

1 August 2005 -> 1 November 2005: Ejada
At Ejada I worked mainly on database systems using Oracle. I worked with Oracle Developer (Forms and Reports) and Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB). I had to end my very short job as I had to do my military drift.

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About this site

I have made many sites before for each program or game I made. I thought it would be better to combine them all in one site. As I always believe 'It's not enough to make it good. Make it the best'.
This site is written entirely in XML (Extensible Markup Language). It is then transformed to HTML using XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language). This allows me to separate the page structure from page formatting. I can easily change the appearance of the whole site with just changing some XSL files. I used the open source tool Xalan to tranfsorm XML/XSL files into HTML.

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Current Status

I am currently at the military drift. My job is concerned with computer systems but I can't tell any information as this is classified. I am expecting to finish so soon.