

"A Little Patch of Green"



Access Road

As one travels on Senence Road on the way to Balincaguing or Paete, prior to reaching the sitio of Cabaruan, there's a little gravel road on the left. This access road was built by the Department of Public Works and Highways and funded by then Secretary of Agriculture, Edgardo J. Angara. The road upon completion shall make the walk to the foothills of Carampoan a little easier. 

Concrete Stairway

Continuing on from the access road, one finds himself to a concretized stairway which leads to the top of the hill. Starting from the foot of the hill, it's a 750-step ladder all the way to the top. Though not steep, it's always best to start climbing the hill early in the morning, or just before the sun rises to prevent one from panting like a mad dog as one climbs the steps.

Mango Plantation

Lack of water during the hot summer months had made the mortality of the mangoes high. Originally, there were 500 mango seedlings that were planted during the past rainy season, but has dwindled down to almost 200 when the summer season came. The seedlings, courtesy of Senator Robert Jaworksi were bought from the P150,000.00 funding from the good senator. Acola, our resident caretaker, together with Jun Balatico, Jeremy Suarez and Robert Gatmin painstakingly water what is left of the mangoes getting water from the almost dried-up creek. When water level is high on the creek, it is pumped to one of the ground water tanks at the campsite in order to have some water for the plants and trees.

Coconut Plantation

One of the highlights of last year's planting was the transplanting of the coconut seedlings from our nursery to various locations on the hill. Planted on the slopes and on the flatland, some 2,000 seed nuts formed a wonderful landscape on the hill. Unfortunately, due to the recklessness of a lowland farmer during the hot summer months, a forest fire devastated the hill and destroyed half of the coconuts. Although reported to the Local Government Unit and the local police, no resolution or settlement has ever came out. It is planned that the next fund that will come along the way will be used in constructing a fire break between the farmers' ricefields and the hill in order to prevent future damages.

and A Little bit of Ecology...

Adding an atmosphere of ecology, we brought in some chickens to take care of the termites that eat the seedlings. What started as a couple of native chickens, are now almost 20 plying the hill in search of termites and a whole lot more! What could be better than a rat poison? A cat! Blue-eyes, our most diligent feline partner hunts for the field rats that prey on the chickens. With these "add-ons" to the scenery, the labuyos are approaching the campsite and challenging our roosters. Our caretaker has reported that wild ducks had been taking a swim in the nearby creek. Banyas (bayawak), musang and wild-pigs (alingo) had been showing signs of comeback on the hill. Surely, with a promise of life, no wonder all its past residents are having a diaspora!


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Copyright © 2002 Cabaruan Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Last modified: April 03, 2002