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خلصت الحفلة ... خدني لعندك يا جدّي
المجنون إله حقّ يحاكم العالم
طيّارات رماديّة متل التّرغلّ
إنفجار القنابل فضّي بلون الشّمس
ناس بالخنادق ناس بالبارات
العدالة كرتون , الحرّيّة كذب
صار الحبس كبير و كلّ حكم بالأرض باطل
حلّو يطلع الضّوّ ... كاسك يا جدّي

The party Has ended ... take me with you grandpa

the Insane has the right to judge the world

The gray airplanes are like turtledoves in the sky

The bombs' blast is like the silver color of the sun

Some people are in trenches  , the others are in the night bars

Justice is made of paper , freedom is a lie,

The prison has become very big , and every authority on the earth is a lie

Isn't it time for the Sun to Rise ? ... Cheers Grandpa


Like this ends the play of Lulu , which was presented to the public in 1975 , the same newspapers that has the Ads of the play had the news of the beginning of the Lebanese War , unfortunately even after the end of the war these words are still correct , on this earth there is no justice , only Up There with God shall be treated justly , only Him saves Us.




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