Episode 1- The Legendary Girl

    Best friends Miaka Yuki and Yui Hongo are preparing for the entrance examinations. While accompanying Yui at the National Library to return a book, Miaka spots a red phoenix flying across the stairs. They pursued it towards a secluded reference room where they found an ancient Chinese book entitled The Book of the Four Gods. It relates the story of a girl whose 3 wishes were granted after summoning the sacred beast. The book itself is a spell. Whoever finishes reading the book will be granted 3 wishes just like the girl in the book. After reading the first page of the book, the two are enveloped by a bright red light and are sucked right into the book itself. They find themselves to be in ancient China. Not long after, they are accosted by a group of bandits. Luckily, a dashing young man, with an oni (ogre) etched on his forehead, comes to their rescue.


Episode 2- The Priestess of Suzaku

    Tamahome, the youth with a character marked on his forehead, leaves the two after finding them to be penniless and unable to pay him for the rescue. Yui suddenly disappeared back to the reference room leaving Miaka inside the book. Alone, Miaka searches for her lost friend and bumps into Tamahome again. She tries to convince Tamahome to help her find Yui. However, they inadvertently disrupt the imperial parade and are seized by the imperial guards.


Episode 3- The Seven Star Warriors

    Miaka escapes the prison and finds a "lovely woman" to whom she discloses that she came from another world. Convinced that she is indeed telling the truth and that she is the legendary priestess of suzaku, emperor Hotohori, who is then disguised as a woman, explaines to her the legend of the four gods and the seven star warriors.  The universe is divided into four sectors which are ruled over by four gods (Suzaku, Seiryuu, Biyakko, and Genbu). Under each sector are seven contellations. Hotohori also explains that his country, Konan, is under the grave threat of invasion. It is prophesized that the Suzaku no Miko will appear to offer salvation when Konan is in peril. Hotohori beseeches Miaka's help to find the seven star warriors in order to harness the power of Suzaku and save Konan. Miaka agrees seeing that she can utilize Suzaku's power to send her back to her own world.

    To find the rest of the shichiseshi, all the imperial guards are summoned for  sparring competition. Miaka, believing that a true star warrior can never hurt a woman, insults the guards to test them. The enraged guards chase her and strike the vertical supports of the pavillion causing it to collapse on top of Miaka and Tamahome.


Episode 4- Intermingled Thoughts

    The two are saved by a princess who displays Herculean strength. They discover that she also bears a character on her chest and that she is also one of the shichiseishi. It is not concealed to her that Hotohori has taken a liking to Miaka. She treats Miaka harshly and she  flirts with Tamahome to make Hotohori jealous.

    Miaka disguises herself as she follows Nuriko and Tamahome wherever they go. Tamahome tries to sell the chewing gums that are given to him by Miaka. Forced to reveal her true identity to prove Tamahome's words (that the chewing gums came from the Suzaku no Miko), Miaka appears before the crowd. The two escape the throng which came rushing towards them after learning Miaka's true identity. They run across a narrow street where Miaka confesses her true feelings for Tamahome.


Episode 5- Bewildered Heartbeat

    Homesick Miaka succumbs to illness. Hotohori decides to bring Miaka to the one who may know how to send her back to her own world, Taitsukun. Along with Tamahome and Nuriko, they journey towards Mt. Taikyoku- the dwelling place of Taitsukun. Unknown to them ,Taitsukun has already perceived their arrival and has prepared the appropriate test to prove that Miaka really is the Suzaku no Miko. Lured by food, Miaka is trapped inside Taitsukun's mirror and her evil double emerges from it to take her place.

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