General Information

about Indonesia and beyond

Traveller Tips:

Immigration/Visas: You must have a minimum of six months validity in you passport upon entry into Indonesia and have proof of onward destination.

Visas are not required for nationals of:

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom (Great Britain), United States of America, United Emirate Arab, Yugoslavia, Venezuela.

The maximum stay permitted two months and is not extendible.

Costums: Indonesian Customs allows on entry a maximum of : one liter of alcoholic beverages, 200   cigarettes or 50 Cigars or 100 grams of tobacco, reasonable amount perfume per adult.

The following need to be declared when entering the country: Cars, photographic equipment, typewriters tape recorders Prohibited from entry are: TV sets, radios, narcotics, arms and ammunition, printed matter in Chinese characters, Chinese medicines.

Also note:

All movie films and video cassettes must be censored by the Film Censor Board.

Fresh fruits, plants and animals must have quarantine permits.

There is no restriction on import or export of foreign currencies. However, the export or import of Indonesian currency exceeding Rp.50,000 is prohibited.

Departure Tax: There's a departure tax on domestic ( Rp. 11,000) and international (Rp. 75.000) flights. Only children under two years of age are exempt.

Medical Insurance:Make sue you have medical insurance before you leave your country. Medical bills can be quite costly and having medical insurance could save your life. Contract your travel agent to get information on recommended medical insurance plans. Don't forget, if you extend your travel in Bali , you should also extend your insurance cover.

Health risks: Dengue fever, giardiasis, hepatitis, Japanese encephalitis, malaria, paratyphoid, rabies, typhoid
Security Tips:

*Keep your valuables (passport, airline ticket, credit cards, traveler's cheques and cash) in a safe deposit box at your hotel, or at a bank.

*If you really need to travel with all your valuables, secure items in various places rather than lose everything if one bag is stolen.

*Secure the key in your money belt; don't leave it in your hotel room when you go out. Money belts are better than 'bum bags', which are an open invitation to pickpockets. Hide your money belt under your clothes. Carry your handbag on the side of the road furthest from the roadway.

*Keep copies of your travel documents and emergency contact details on your person.

*Travelers should be aware that the Blood Bank in Bali normally carries no stock of Rhesus (Rh) Negative blood.

Emergency Contact Details:

*Leave copies of your itinerary, passport and insurance policy with friends or relatives.

*Update your contact details through the airline you are traveling with (sometimes messages are left with the airline for forwarding).


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