December 2002

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For Thanksgiving, Robyn and I travelled with the other high school math teacher (Tim) and his Ivorian girlfriend (Maryna) to Busua Beach in Ghana. It was our first trip in Africa outside of Cote d' Ivoire and it was a great weekend get away. .
This is a 'bush taxi'. Usually it's shared with 8 people, but we just paid for all the seats so we could have it for ourselves. We rode this one from Abidjan to the Ghanaian border, and then caught another one.
This is the scene outside our hut on the beach at Busua Beach. The town is quite small and has some tourism, but its still mostly a fishing village. The boats in this picture are fishing boats, coming in after the day fishing. To get them up on shore, a big group of men will roll the boats up the beach over logs.
  The view from our hut. Ghana's coast is dotted with many slave castles, this is a small one at 'Dick's Cove' near where we were staying.  
Our bartender - 'the Stone'. Apparently, all the men in Ghana are named according to the day of the week they are born. Since this only provides for 7 given names, everyone adopts nicknames for practical use - often very fun ones like 'the Lion' and the optimistic 'Wisdom'.
Created: December 1, 2002
Maintainer: Keir Paesel keirobyn*