PhilamPlans' entry into the Philippine pre-need market was formalized upon
registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on April
On August 21,1989, the company received its license from the SEC to deal in
securities. This paved the way for its marketing of pension, education, and
memorial plans.
PhilamPlans was officially launched on October 12,1989.
PhilamPlans is a part of the American International Group (AIG) in the
Philippines Other AIG affiliates include Philamlife and General Insurance, the
country's leader in the life insurance business; PhilamCare Health Systems, a
pioneer in health care; Philam Savings Bank, formerly AIG Finance; Philam
, a non-life insurance company, Philam Assets Management, a
pooled fund investment offering shares of Philam Fund and Philam Bond Fund;
Philam Properties
, engaged in real estate development and property
management; Philam Systems, developer of software programs for AIG
affiliates; and the American International Underwriter Regional
Deployment Center (AIU-RDC)
, provider of information technology support to
all AIG non-life affiliates in Southeast Asia.
Philam Plans enjoys solid financial backing from AIG, one of the world's most
stable insurance and financial service organization. AIG consistently earns highest
rating from international rating agencies and was also voted the most admired
corporation in America.

            Philam Plans' debut in the market was remarkable. After only a year of
operation, it garnered the number four positions in an industry crowded by over
90 active players.
            Five years after, Philam Plans breached the billion-peso mark with P1.7
billion in gross sales, apparently buoyed by a 75% increase in sales in 1995. The
year's performance was capped with a 105% increase in net profit from the
previous year.
            In 1998, its ninth year, Philam Plans stood out as a dominant player in the
pre-need industry, drawing strength from its dedicated employees and highly
motivated sales force. It continues to innovate on customer-centered products and
services while investing heavily on administrative and management systems that
improve office efficiency.
            Anticipating the challenges posed by the dawning of the new millennium,
Philam Plans upgraded its information system technology and is today one of the
few companies in the Philippines to be Year 2000-compliant.
            Effective June 23, 1998, it earned its ISO 9002 certification, proof of its
world-class capabilities and compliance to internationally recognized quality
management standards.
            Today Philam Plans is leading the way in developing new products and
services geared to the needs of the Filipino family. With its tradition of excellence,
our Company will soon set a new standard on how a pre-need business should be
Philam Plans
… going stronger, getting better; and reaching more Filipinos every
            Year after year, PhilamPlans gets better and better. It has established
itself among the leaders in the industry. Its performance is a testimony to the
concerted efforts of its dedicated and highly professional staff and aggressive
sales force, with their untiring passion for excellence and guided by a clear vision
of leadership to make every year better than the last.
The Establishment of a Future Leader
            The year 1989 was marked by political and economic difficulties, making
foreign and local investors wary of investing in the Philippine market. It was not an
ideal time for any fledgling company to prosper. But prosper is precisely what
Philam Plans did.
            PhilamPlans' registration as a dealer in securities was approved by the
Securities and Exchange Commission on August 1989. Two months later, On
October 12, 1989, it was officially launched by the Philippine American Life
Insurance Company (Philamlife), allowing it to market its Education, Pension, and
Life Plans. Backed by a strong patrician lineage with the American International
Group (AIG) and Philamlife at the helm, Philam Plans displayed exemplary
performance unexpected from a new company.
A Track Record of Unparalleled Growth
            After only a year of operation, the aggressive company registered
phenomenal growth, catapulting it to the number four position in the pre-need
industry. And the achievements just keep getting higher and higher as the
company continues to capture bigger markets.
*The clients trust in Philam plans was evidenced by the steep rise in plan
count from 264 in 1989 to 56,236 in 1997.
*Gross sales shot up from P5.5 million in 1989 to a phenomenal
P3.09 billion by end of 1997, making it one of the most stable and
Financially sound institutions in the industry at present.
*The company prides itself in having one of the largest trust funds
in the industry. Trust fund investments grew to P1.07 billion in
1997 from the initial P400, 000, assuring the plan holders of a sure
Return on their investments.
*From an initial 300,000 in 1989, gross collections rose to a steep
1.03 billion.
*Net income exceeded targets with 1.9 million in 1989. By 1997,
this figure reached the 119.5 million mark.
Breakthroughs in Marketing
 *To ensure growth after its formative years, the company embarked on a
yearly network expansion with branches extending to Laoag, Vigan, Aparri,
Olongapo, Ozamis, Butuan, Dipolog, Cotabato, and Tagum.From four
Regional offices and only one branch office in 1990, Philam Plans now
Boasts of 30 regional offices and 39 branch offices.
            During the last quarter of 1997,Philam Plans opened its products to
Markets, with the aim of reaching Filipino working abroad. Initially
launching its marketing campaign in Hong Kong, Philam Plans has now
reached various parts of the globe, with the end goal of providing a good
future for Overseas Filipino Workers. This expansion program is in line with
the company's efforts to penetrate a larger market base and make pre-need
planning more accessible to our countrymen.
*To complement this, agency force has more than tripled from figures in
1990. The number of sales associates beefed up from 6,609 in 1990 to
18,174 in 1997. The productivity of the sales people was likewise
maximized through continuous training in order to exceed targets.
Service Beyond Customer Expectations
Philam Plans sets itself apart from others in the industry by delivering excellent
customer service without exception. For the company, excellent customer is not
just a catch phrase mentioned as a form of lip service. It is the heart and soul of
the marketing strategy and the very basis of its doing is business.
*Philam Plans prides itself in being the only pre-need company accredited to
ISO 9002. Through this certification by SGS Yarsley, Philam Plans' clients are
assured that the products and services offered by the company are of world-class
*The company invests heavily on good facilities and equipment which will make its
mission of providing for the needs of Filipino easier. As another companies were
tightening their belts last year in the event of a currency crisis, Philam Plans
embarked on a project which made it year 2000 compliant (Y2K). With the
migration of the company's migration of the company's information system to
Ordinary Life Administration System (OLAS), Philam Plans is confident of servicing
its clients by the turn of the century.
*Productivity Programs like the 5S Program and the Ideas and Suggestions for
Improvement and Productivity create a systematized working environment and
generate innovative ideas from all employees. With this, and with the
establishment of a labor-management consultation program aptly called Central
Employee Committee (CEMCOM), employees, have a voice in steering the
company to success. The company believes that this translates to better service,
creating a more satisfied customer and sales force.
*To conform to the standards of service excellence, various programs have been
launched as reminder and motivator for the company employees. The Customer
Service survey is an ongoing project designed especially to know the experiences
of the customers within the offices. The letter to the Presidents and Operation
Expressway has been design to open the channels of communication direct to the
company president.
Quality Products
PhilamPlans boasts of three products which possess two unmistakable Features:
Adherence to high standards of quality and innovativeness to respond to people's
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