PHP Foundation in Asia, Inc.


People Helping People in Asia...









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“Help us promote the philosophy of People Helping People in Asia”
PHP Foundation in Asia, Inc.


There maybe little that one person can do, if he chooses to help others. But if all these simple, little acts of service can be combined together, it might spell a big difference in other people's lives.

We do not propose to do mighty things, that might just end up as mere proposals until the very end. Instead, we propose to keep on helping others through little things... and yet by combining our small resources through simple and doable programs, we could help one harelip child forever regain his self-esteem, or extend a micro-finance assistance to a poor but deserving family in a depressed area in urban Manila, or bring a deep-well project to a small community in a far-flung barangay in the province where people walk miles to get hold of safe, potable drinking water.

The avenues of small yet meaningful service are boundless. We have consolidated some of them into a variety of "people helping people" modules, from which good hearted individuals, families, clubs or organizations both here in the country and abroad, may choose and decide to make some donations. Pooling these contributions together, collating and consolidating them, puts us in a position to do meaningful interventions in people's lives. We may do this to deserving individuals or to families, even to entire communities or barangays.

 All our efforts would still be mere drops in the ocean of poverty and suffering that hounds humanity for centuries, and yet by persuading others to get involved, our principal aim would have already been achieved, that of promoting "people helping people" as a philosophy and way of life.         more...

Donato A. Flordeliza, Jr.

Founder & Chairman


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