連環の計(Chaining Scheme)が効を奏し、呂布(Lu Bu)は董卓 (Dong Zhuo)を暗殺します。呂布はさらに90になる董卓の母を はじめ一族・家来を皆殺しにします。貂蝉(Diao Chan)は呂布 に救出され以後呂布の妾としての人生を送ることになります。 董卓の死体は燃やされその火は何日も燃え続けたと伝えられています。

Li Su 李粛 Lu Bu 呂布 Dong Zhuo 董卓
Diao Chan 貂蝉 Li Ru李儒 Wang Yun王允
breastplate 胸当て

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 群星の巻 人間燈


Chapter IX:Lu Bu Kills Dong Zhuo For Wang Yun; Li Jue Attacks The Capital On Jia Xu's Advice.

Dong Zhuo went in and found all the officials in court dress lining the road. Li Su walked beside his carriage a sword in his hand. When Li Su reached the north gate of the Forbidden City he found the soldiers of Dong Zhuo drawn up outside and only the pushers of the Palace carriage a twenty or so were allowed to proceed further. When Dong Zhuo arrived near the Reception Hall he saw that Wang Yun and all the other officials standing at the door were armed.

Why are they all armed? said Dong Zhuo to Li Su. Li Su was silent as he helped push the carriage forward swiftly to the entrance. Suddenly Wang Yun shouted The rebel is here! Where are the executioners? At this call sprang from both sides soldiers armed with halberds and spears who attacked Dong Zhuo. But the breastplate he usually wore protected him and spears could not penetrate it. He sank down in the carriage wounded in the arms calling loudly for his son Where is Lu Bu?

Here and with a decree to deal with a rebel! said Lu Bu as he appeared in front of his father. Thereupon he thrust his trident halberd through the victim's throat. Then Li Su hacked off the head and held it up.
Lu Bu his left hand holding his halberd thrust his right hand into his bosom whence he drew the decree crying The decree was to slay the rebel Dong Zhuo---no other! The whole assembly shouted Wan shui! Live forever! O Emperor! A sympathetic poet has written a few lines in pity:

Await the time O noble and be king Or failing reap the solace riches bring; Heaven never is partial but severely just Meiwo stood strong yet now it lies in dust.

The lust of blood awakened Lu Bu urged further slaughter crying Li Ru has been the main initiator for Dong Zhuo in many crimes! Who shall go and kill him? Li Su volunteered to go in search of him. But just then a shouting was heard at the gates and it was told them that a household servant had brought Li Ru in bonds. Wang Yun ordered his immediate execution in the market place. Dong Zhuo's head was exposed in a crowded thoroughfare (AD 192). He was very fat and the guards made torches by sticking splints into the body spilling the corpse's grease over the ground. The passers-by pelted the head and spurned the body with their feet. Wang Yun ordered a force of fifty thousand under Lu Bu Huangfu Song and Li Su to destroy Meiwo. Learning the news of their master Li Jue Guo Si Fan Chou and Zhang Ji fled west swiftly through the night with their Flying Bear Army to Liangzhou Region.

When arriving Meiwo Lu Bu's first deed was to take Diao Chan into his charge. Then they slew every member of the Dong family sparing none not even Dong Zhuo's aged mother. The heads of Dong Zhuo's brother Dong Min and his nephew Dong Huang were publicly displayed in the market place. In Meiwo were hidden many young ladies of good families. These were set free. All properties were confiscated. The wealth was enormous---several hundred thousand ounces of gold millions of silver coins pearls gems silks velvets furs grain stores.



