本文へジャンプ 人名編 

曹操(Cao Cao)に拠点を奪われてからは呂布(Lu Bu)は再び流浪の身となり、今度は徐州(Xuzhou)を譲られたばかりの劉備(Liu Bei)の元を頼るようになります。糜竺(Mi Zhu)や関羽(Guan Yu)、張飛(Zhang Fei)も反対しますが劉備は「徐州が守られたのも呂布が曹操を攻めたからだ」と、呂布を丁重に迎えます。「兄貴は人がよすぎる」(Brother, your heart is too good.) 張飛も呆れ顔といったところです。

Mi Zhu 糜竺 Wang Yun 王允 Chen Gong 陳宮
Dong Zhuo 董卓 Guo Si 郭シ Li Jue 李カク
Xuzhou 徐州 Yanzhou エン州

参考吉川英治「三国志」第2巻 群星の巻、愚兄と賢弟


Chapter XIII: Li Jue and Guo Si Duel In Changan; the Emperor Establishes Anyi The New Capital

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。
Go over to Liu Bei, who has lately succeeded to Xuzhou," said Chen Gong. Hence Lu Bu went thither.
Hearing this, Liu Bei said, "Lu Bu is a hero, and we will receive him with honor." But Mi Zhu was strongly against receiving him, saying, "He was a cruel, bloodthirsty beast!" But Liu Bei replied, "How would misfortune have been averted from Xuzhou, if he had not attacked Yanzhou? He cannot have bad intention, now that he comes seeking an asylum." "Brother, your heart is really too good. Although it may be as you say, yet it would be well to prepare," said Zhang Fei. Liu Bei with a great following met Lu Bu ten miles outside the city gates, and the two chiefs rode in side by side. They proceeded to the residence and there, after the elaborate ceremonies of reception were over, they sat down to converse.
Said Lu Bu, "After Minister of the Interiror Wang Yun and I plotted to slay Dong Zhuo and my misfortune in the Li Jue and Guo Si's sedition, I drifted about from one place to another, and none of the nobles in the East of Huashan Mountains seemed willing to receive me. When Cao Cao with wicked ambition invaded this region and you, Sir, came to its rescue, I aided you by attacking Yanzhou and thus diverting a portion of his force. I did not think then that I should be the victim of a vile plot and lose my leaders and my soldiers. But now if you will, I offer myself to you that we may together accomplish great designs." Liu Bei replied, "When the late Imperial Protector Tao Qian died, there was no one to administer Xuzhou, and so I assumed that task for a time. Now since you are here, General, it is most suitable that I step down in your favor." Whereupon Liu Bei took the insignia and the seal of authority and handed them to Lu Bu. Lu Bu was on the point of accepting them, when he saw Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who stood behind Liu Bei, glaring at him with angry eyes.
So Lu Bu put on a smile and said, "I may be something of a fighting man, but I could not rule a great region like this." Liu Bei repeated his offer. But Chen Gong said, "The strong guest does not oppress his host. You need not fear, my lord!" Then Liu Bei desisted. Banquets were held and dwelling places prepared for the guest and his retinue.



