さて、三国志のもう1人の主人公とも言える曹操(Cao Cao, ツァオ、ツァオというように発音します)が登場します。
と評されたということです。 Taylor氏はこのあたりどう英訳したのでしょうか。

Cao Cao:曹操 Cao Song: 曹嵩 Xiahou family:夏候氏
the Dynasty of Han:漢王朝  

参考吉川 英治 三国志第1巻:桃園の巻:転戦、北方謙三 三国志一の巻:天狼の星:砂塵遠く


Chapter I :Feast In a Garden of Peaches:Brotherhood Sworn:Slaughter of Rebels:The Brothers Heroesより

He was one Cao Cao, also known as Cao Meng-de, a Peiguo man holding the rank of Cavalry Commander. His father was Cao Song, who had been born to Xiahou family, but he had been brought up by the ennuch Cao Teng and had taken his family name. This Cao Cao was Song's son and as a lad, bore the name of A-man.

As a young man Cao Cao had been fond of hunting and delighted in songs and dancing. He was resourceful and full of guile. An uncle, seeing the young fellow so unsteady, used to get angry with him and told his father Cao Song of his misdeeds. His father remonstrated with him.

But the youth was equal to the occasion. One day, seeing his uncle coming, he fell to the ground in a pretended fit. The uncle alarmed ran to tell his father, who came, and there was the youth in most perfect health.
"But your uncle said you were in a fit; are you better?"
"I have never suffer from fits or any such illness," said Cao Cao. "But I lost my uncle's affection and he has deceived you."

Thereafter, whatever the uncle might say of his faults, his father paid no heed. So the young man grew up licentious and uncontrolled. A certain man of the time said to Cao Cao, "Rebellion is at hand and only a man of the greatest ability can succeed in restoring tranquility. That man is yourself." And He Yong of Nanyang said of him, "The dynasty of Han is about to fall. He who can restore peace is this man and only he."

Cao Cao went to enquire his future of a wise man of Runan called Xu Shao. "What manner of man am I?" asked Cao. The seer made no reply and again he put the question. Then he replied, "You are able enough to rule the world, but wicked enough to disturb it". Cao greatly rejoiced to hear this.

#Meng-de 孟徳、曹操の字

