第四十四課: 関羽、劉備からの密書を受け取る
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

曹操(Cao Cao)の下にいた関羽(Guan Yu)はある日、袁紹(Yuan Shao)の家臣の陳震(Chen Zhen)より劉備(Liu Bei)からの手紙を受け取り、主君生存の情報は真実と確信します。「桃園の約束を違えたか」との劉備の手紙に関羽は手紙の返事を書くと主のもとへ駆けつける決意を固めたのでした。

Chen Zhen 陳震  
Nan Yang 南陽

参考吉川英治「三国志」第3巻 臣道の巻、避客牌


ChapterXXVI: Yuan Shao Loses Another Leader;Guan Yu Abandons Rank And Wealth

※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

While Guan Yu was pondering over his difficulties, they told him that a friend had come to inquire for him. The visitor was introduced but Guan Yu did not recognize him.

"Who are you?" asked Guan Yu.

"I am Chen Zhen of Nanyang, in the service of Yuan Shao."

In great perturbation, Guan Yu sent away the attendants and, they being gone, said, "There is some special reason for your visit?"

For reply Chen Zhen drew out a letter and handed it to his host, who recognized that it was from his brother Liu Bei. The letter read:

"I, the writer, and you, Sir, pledged ourselves in the Peach Garden to die together. Why then are we apart and yet alive, our kindly feelings destroyed, our sense of right outraged? If you desire to obtain fame and acquire riches and honor, I will offer my head without hesitation so that your achievement is fulfilled. More might be said, but I await your commands with great anxiety."

Guan Yu finished the letter with a bitter cry.

"I always wanted to find my brother, but I did not know where he was. How can he think such evil of me?" said he.

"Liu Bei looks for you very eagerly. If you are still bound by the old pledge, you should go quickly," said Chen Zhen.

"Anyone born into the world without the essential virtue of sincerity is no true human. I came here openly and can go in no other way.Now will I write a letter which I will ask you to bear to my brother, that as soon as I can take leave of Cao Cao, I will bring the ladies and come to him."

"But what if Cao Cao refuse to let you go?" said Chen Zhen.

"Then would I rather die. I will not remain here."

"Then, Sir, quickly write your letter and relieve your brother from his anxiety."

So Guan Yu wrote like this:

"I, the humble one, know full well that a human of principle does not betray and a human of loyalty despises death. I have been a student in my youth and know somewhat of the proprieties. I sigh and weep at the memory of the fraternal affection that made Yangjue Ai and Zuo Botao die rather than separate. I was in charge of Xiapi, but the place lacked provision and there was no help. I would have fought to the death, but there was on my shoulders the responsibility for my sisters-in-law. Wherefore I had to take care of my body lest I betrayed your trust. And so I made a prisoner of myself, hoping to find a way of release. I heard of you lately in Runan. I must, however, bid farewell to Cao Cao and bring the ladies with me when I come. May I perish, victim to the superhuman powers, if I have harbored any traitorous thought. Ink and paper are poor substitutes for what I would say, but I look to see you soon."



