第六十六課中: 天下三分の計
本文へジャンプ 人名編 

劉備(Liu Bei)の熱意に心打たれた諸葛亮孔明は(Zhuge Liang)はいよいよ胸に秘めていた天下の大計を語り始めます。後に「天下三分の計(Plans For The Three Kingdoms)」と呼ばれるその計は寿命の尽きつつある劉表(Liu Biao)から荊州(Jingzhou)を、暗君劉璋(Liu Zhang)の治める蜀(Shu)の国を奪い取ることにより曹操(Cao Cao)の君臨する強国魏(Wei)からも新興国呉(Wu)にも属さない一大勢力を築き上げるという壮大な計画でした。英訳三国志の中でも難所のひとつですがよろしくお付き合いのほどを。

Dong Zhuo 董卓 Yuan Shao 袁紹  Liu Zhang 劉璋
Sun Quan 孫権
Wu 呉 Jingzhou 荊州 Yizhou 益州  Ba  Shu 蜀
Plans For The Three Kingdoms 天下三分の計

参考吉川英治「三国志」第4巻 、孔明の巻:出廬


Chapter XXXVIII: Zhuge Liang Plans For The Three Kingdoms;
Sun Quan Attacks Xiakou To Take Revenges.


※テキストはThe Romance of Three Kingdomsのものを採用しています。

But what is your ambition, General?"

Liu Bei moved his seat nearer to his host and said, " The Hans are sinking: Designing ministers steal away their authority. I am weak, yet I desire to restore the state to its right mind.But my ignorance is too vast, my means are too slender, and I know not where to turn.Only you, Master, can lighten my darkness and preserve me from falling. How happy should I be if you would do so!"

Zhuge Liang replied, "One bold person after another has arisen in various parts of the empire ever since the days of the rebel Dong Zhuo. Cao Cao was not so powerful as Yuan Shao, but he overcame Yuan Shao by seizing the favorable moment and using his soldiers properly. Now he is all-powerful: He rules an immense army and, through his control of the court, the various feudal lords as well. You cannot think of opposing him. Then the Suns have held their territory in the South Land for three generations. Their position in that old state of Wu may not appear too secure, but they have popularity to appeal to. You can gain support but win no success there.

" The Region of Jingzhou rests on the two Rivers Han and Mian to the north, and their interests lie in all to the south of these rivers.On the east they touch Wu, and on the west they extend to the ancient states of Ba and Shu. This is the area in which decisive battles have to be won, and one must hold it in order to be secure, and Heaven has virtually made it yours.

" The Region of Yizhou in the west is an important place, fertile and extensive, a country favored of Heaven and that through which the Founder of Han obtained the empire.Its ruler Liu Zhang is ignorant and weak. The people are noble and the country prosperous, but he does not know how to hold it all, and all the able people of the region are yearning for an enlightened prince.

" As you are a scion of the Family, well known throughout the land as trusty and righteous, a whole-hearted hero, who greatly desires to win the support of the wise,if you get possession of Yizhou and Jingzhou, if on the west you are in harmony with the Rong Tribes, on the south win over the ancient states of Yi and Viet, make an alliance with Sun Quan of Wu, and maintain good government, you can await confidently the day when Heaven shall offer you the desired opportunity. Then you may depute a worthy leader to go to the northeast while you take command of an expedition to the northwest, and will you not find the warmest welcome prepared for you by the people?This done, the completion of the task will be easy. The Hans will be restored. And these are my counsels in all these operations, if you will only undertake them."



