Country Daze Adoption Center
Welcome to our garden of adoptions .We hope that you will find a cute lil critter
to love and take home with you.  All critters are on a clear background, so they
can be used on any color background.  We make all of our critters from *scratch*
all we ask, is that you take good care of your critter, and link your critter back to
so that others can come and find a cute lil critter of their own.

Betsy Butterfly

Daffodil Fairy

Franny Frog

Tabitha Cat

You may display your critter on your website and your critter MUST be linked back to this site.
We'd love it if you'd sign our guestbook, or drop us an email and tell us which
critter you adopted and where your page is so we can visit *G*
You may NOT:
Claim that you created the critter, use our critters for postcard sites, graphic creations, collections
or any other purpose other than for displaying on your page as an adopted critter.  If you are interested
in using our critters for one of these purposes, please email us, and we can talk about it *G*

Copyright 2000 Country Daze Graphics
All Rights Reserved.

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