Our Union with Jesus Christ
can be described four ways

This short outline is somewhat based on John Flavel's chapter 2 of "The Method of Grace".

One of the Christian's best assurances that we are secure in Him is achieved by meditating on the truth of our union with God - rather His union with us. Scripture uses four analogies to describe this union. All analogies break down, yet are helpful for at least sketching out this wonderful truth. Notice how each of these brings out an encouraging truth, yet must not be pressed too far:

1. We are glued to Him ~ 1st Cor. 6:17
Yes, that is the meaning of the original term - glue! Jesus is the Friend that sticks closer than a brother. Yet brothers and the closest friends have allowed those ties of closeness to be severed. Not so with Jesus. His promise to all who are of the family of God is that He will never leave us or forsake us. Our union with Him is like glue. Glue makes for a close and intimate connection, but says nothing about vital union.

2. We are grafted to Him ~ Rom. 6:5
Yet the gardener usually grafts something more valuable onto something more common. Yet we, the ones being grafted in by the Master-Gardener, are being grafted into something (Someone) much more valuable than ourselves. "Without Me, you can do nothing" (John 15:5).

3. We are joined in marriage to Him ~ Eph. 5:31, 32
Yet there are instances when divorce is allowable by God, and even in the best of marriages, a separation is caused by the death of one of the spouses. However in God's marriage of believer to Beloved there is no divorce and there is no death His love for us is everlasting and omnipotent.

4. We are bodily joined to Him ~ Eph. 4:15, 16
All who are brought to faith in Christ are brought into the Body of Christ, which is the invisible church. Here, too, the analogy breaks down. Many members of the body are far from the head and are not as vitally important as others, yet in Christ every believer has a vital connection to the Head (Christ Himself) and not through the intermediation of other believers. We all have access to the benefits of God and of our new life in Him through Christ.

These are just some of the ways we can think about our union with Christ and how we can appreciate even more what we have as believers. I hope this short article helps you to appreciate better the blessings of our being united to Christ, and suggests avenues of further study and meditation.

The author for these pages can be reached at asteriskHatesSpam@wcsonline.net
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Updated: March 30, 2003.

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