Is Christianity a Religion?

It is quite common to hear Christians say that their faith is the true one because its 'not a religion, but a relationship'. This is a relatively modern idea, and it is not one contained in their bible. This is yet another example of Christian silliness, and one I aim to refute on this page.

Meaning of the word 'religion'

Many Christians seem to have a distorted idea of what the word 'religion' actually means - they seem to think religion = false god. This is what the dictionaries have for 'religion':

Religion . . . means the conscious relation between man and God, and the expression of that relation in human conduct. --J. K["o]stlin (Schaff-Herzog Encyc.)

Religion: Specifically, conformity in faith and life to the precepts inculcated in the Bible, respecting the conduct of life and duty toward God and man; the Christian faith and practice. (Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc)

Religion:The service and worship of God or the supernatural, commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary)

Religion, broadly, way of life or belief based on a person's ultimate relation to the universe or a god or gods. In this sense such diverse systems as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and Shinto may be considered religions...a survey of religions must therefore begin by restricting the term religion to those institutions for which it has customarily been used—Judaism and its descendants, Christianity, and Islam." (Encarta)

Religion: belief in, or worship of, a god (Chambers)

Now, come on Christians, do those terms really not apply to your faith?

Instances of the word 'religion' in the NT

(Quotations from the RSV)

So it can be seen that the word 'religion' is used in the Bible.

Is 'religion' used of the core faith of Christians?

By 'core' faith, I mean faith as opposed to works. So, Christians could argue that the word 'religion' in the NT refers to things like charity, it does not mean the actual practise of Christianity and belief in God. I do not believe this can be supported from the Bible.

The most important of the quotes above are 1 Timothy 3:16 and James 1:27. I shall take the latter first, as it is the least important. Now, James is saying that there is "undefiled" and "pure" religion - which must mean there is wrong religion too. So Christian 'religion' (whatever that is) must be pure before God, and it is therefore not a bad thing. Christians who twitter 'relationship not religion' tend to condemn all religion, regardless of what it means, and so contradict even this less important scripture! The first part is simple - charity. So you could say that 'religion' for Christians is to be charitable, to perform 'works', but it is not a description of the actual faith. However, the second part of the verse, that religion is to keep oneself unstained from the world, refutes this. The Bible says that "all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world." (1 John 2:16) and "Who is it that overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?" (1 John 5:5).

If: Religion is to keep yourself unstained by the world,
And: You are unstained by the world by belief in Jesus,
Then: Religion is belief in Jesus.

1 Timothy 3:16. Now, only the RSV (Revised Standard Version) has it that "...our religion: He was manifested in the flesh..." so many Christians assume they can disregard this scripture as being false when it comes to whether Christianity is a religion. So we will go to the original Greek (Textus Receptus, for KJV-onlyists). It reads:

“kai omologoumenos mega estin to tes eusebeias musterion...“

Which is literally:
“kai (AND) omologoumenos (CONFESSEDLY) mega (GREAT) estin (IS) to tes(THE) eusebeias (OF OUR RELIGION) musthrion (MYSTERY)“

Now, it can be seen that "eusebeias" is the word upon which this scripture lies. If eusebeias should not be translated 'religion' then (assuming James is discounted) the twitterers can say that Christianity is a relationship. Now, Langensheidt Greek Dictionary says that eusebeias means "piety or religion". Now, I prefer the meaning 'religion', because "musthrion" has the meaning of a religious rite or initiation ceremony. But Christians may say that 'piety', not the dread word 'religion' (oh no) is preferred. Let us go to the dictionary: piety is defined as "Religious devotion and reverence to God" by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, and Websters gives one of its synonymns as 'religion'. It is an aspect of religion. Strongs (the book of choice for many Christians) defines 'piety' as worship of God, and gives its base word (4576, if anyone has a Strongs), as meaning 'religion' elsewhere in the Bible (Acts 13:43, specifically). So we can see that 1 Tim 3:16 does say that Christians have a religion, and gives a short summary of that religion's beliefs. The only reason Christians insist they do not have a religion, is so that they can say their faith is better than that of other religions. (Interestingly enough, a search in the CEV, KJV, NKJV, RSV, TEV, ASV, Darby NT, Young's Literal Version, and the Douay-Rheims version failed to produce any use of the word 'relationship' in the NT at all, let alone referring to Christian faith!)

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