Features Menu

Here you will find all the meaty jucy good stuph! Most of it all mine... (you'll see what's not)

Free Wallpapers
Stuph for your desktop, a gift for you from me. These are photographs that I have taken all by my self with my newly aquired digital camera. (See doughboy for more about my new camera) Last update: October '05

The Official On-Line Doughboy Scrapbook!
You heard right, Doughyboy... SEE! the amazing feats of daring-do... SEE! the Doughboy take abuse! New pictures coming soon, newly updated as of October '05!!

Free Graphics
Stuph for your web page, a gift for you from me. These are all origional graphics that I made just because I'm bored. Last update: July '04

The Ranting Commentary you've come to know and love!
The old stuph is still good if you haven't seen it before... if you have, it's just boring. Last rant added: July '04

Scarlett's Personality Test
Find out what kind of person you really are with this simple quiz...

Words of Wisdom (for those that need some!)

Meet the Beast!
You all know the number of the Beast is 666... yeah, but do you know what the square of the Beast is? How bout the toll free number? eh?

The Hero Myth
See in what way Luke Skywalker, Valentine Michael Smith, Gilgamesh and Jesus are all very simalar in thier lives and adventures.

Star Wars and Wizard of Oz, the same movie?
What was Lucas thinking? They are the same movie... if you know how to look at them...
This was also featured March '97 at The American Reader.