Small Tower

About the Tower!

The Avress Tower was originally named the Tyrsis Avress (yes, all you Greek majors: tyrsis). Shortly after it was simply called "The Tower." The Tower stands in an unnamed forest on Kylemia, and houses the Sisterhood of the Circle. Their diety is the goddess Sarinessa, called The Lady or Goddess of the Night (though, this, She is not).

Sisters of the Circle have dedicated themselves to learning, and though they appear neutral, they are/were basically for the good. The structure of the tower developed. A council, called "the Circle" after the symbol of the sisterhood, was formed, holding a group of women who were address as Mothers. And the fields of learning was slowly defined: magic, healing, the sword, music, literature... And then the Sisterhood put up other Towers, in other lands, but The Tower had always assumed the superior position.

Many events passed after that, and it would be too tedious to repeat all of them, but other towers were been brought down and yet more have been built. Many of the Sisters have gone on, now, to other journeys, other towers, other fates, but the Avress Tower still stands--open to anyone who wishes to visit.

The real story of the tower

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